Loire: the mayor of Saint-Héand found dead after a burnout

The mayor of Saint-Héand, in the Loire department, was found dead this Friday, March 25 in the evening, in a wooded area of ​​the town. According to the first elements, he had just carried out a burnout.

Jean-Marc Thélisson, 69, “was found dead by his son worried about his absence and came to meet him” shortly after 7 p.m., said André Merle, the deputy public prosecutor of Saint-Etienne.

The prosecution ordered “toxicological and anatomopathological analyses, as well as an autopsy” to determine the cause of death as part of the investigation into “search for the causes of death” entrusted to the gendarmerie.

The elected official was found lying inanimate on the heights of the town in a wooded plot which belonged to him and which he had come to clear undergrowth to then burn.

The LR mayor of Saint-Etienne Gaël Perdriau hailed in a press release the memory of this former commercial director in the agricultural sector “defining himself with left-wing sensitivity”, opposition municipal councilor for 31 years before being elected mayor of his town in 2014.

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