Loki with Tom Hiddleston: Marvel series goes high on Disney +

Loki with Tom Hiddleston
Marvel series goes high on Disney +

Loki (l., Tom Hiddleston) and Mobius M. Mobius (Owen Wilson)

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With almost 900,000 views on the first day, the Marvel series “Loki” has risen to become the front runner at Disney +.

The highly anticipated new Marvel series “Loki” is poised to become the most successful show on streaming provider Disney +. Just one day after it started on June 9, 890,000 households have accessed the series – in the USA alone. The reports the US industry journal “Deadline” and refers to data from the viewer tracking application “Samba TV”.

With this value, the series about the god of mischief, embodied by Tom Hiddleston (40), clearly surpassed the previous top runners “The Falcon and the Winter Solider” (with 759,000 viewers) and “WandaVision” (with 655,000 viewers). “The increased number of households that tuned in on the first day clearly shows that the Marvel Disney + series is gaining momentum,” the report continued.

It’s all about this

Like “WandaVision” and “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier”, “Loki” also follows on from the last Avengers flick “Endgame” with its plot. In the film from 2019 you can see Loki, dead in the present, making off with the tesseract – and thus an infinity stone – during the Avengers’ journey through time. This is exactly where it continues.

Loki finds himself in an alternative space-time structure and the clutches of the so-called Time Variance Authority (TVA). Previously, he had probably traveled a little too freely through the Multiverse and had thus caught the attention of Mobius M. Mobius (Owen Wilson), among others. Now Loki is supposed to work for the TVA and ensure order in the time travel chaos. But can you trust him? And can Loki really trust the TVA?
