LoL: 3 teams for an LEC title, can Fnatic do it?

Photo: LoL Esports

While many eyes are already on the Worlds of League of Legends, there is still a title of champion to seek in LEC ! Direction Malmö for finals which are finally back in physics, after too long an episode of Covid-19. After a fierce fight and dynamics that have evolved well during the segment, 3 teams present themselves to win the victory: G2, fnatic and Snape.

The 3 structures have arguments to make, but who is the favorite in this final sprint? Logic says G2 and the strength of the narrative pleads for fnatic. But you don’t have to bury either Snape too fast…

G2: a logical victory?

65% chance of winning

G2 is actually the team closest to the trophy, given that the Samurai have already qualified for the grand final. They only need a victory in Bo5 to sit once again on the European throne, which is also theirs after their victory in the spring. All the lights are currently green and the players display unshakable confidence. It must be said that the playoffs have been mastered from start to finish so far: 3-1 against Misfits and especially 3-0 against Snape. Individually, several players shone. We could talk for hours about the exceptional level of Targamas, but we must also dwell on the case of caPs. After moments of wandering and doubt, we have definitely found a world-class player, capable of performing miracles. He’s G2’s No. 1 threat and if he’s having a good day, it’s hard to see who could stop him.

There is no downside at G2, especially since Rogue does not scare players at all. The only small doubt we can have is that G2 has not crossed swords with the teams in form at the moment. fnaticbut above all EXCEL Esports, who was rumored to have an exceptional level in scrim. So be careful, you shouldn’t sell the bear’s skin before you’ve killed it. And if ever there is yet another clash between Fnatic and G2, everyone knows very well that this kind of confrontation can quickly turn into a chaos total.

Fnatic: a fantastic comeback?

25% chance of winning

During this Summer Split, fnatic went through many emotions. For a long time, the players were in difficulty and the team was crystallizing criticism on the networks. Qualification for the playoffs was complicated and several members of the roster were totally unrecognizable… Humanoid chained the unspecified matches and even Upset failed to influence the Rift. But for the past few weeks, the team’s fans have been smiling again. The 3-0 superweek got the team off to a good start, which went on to earn 3 Bo5 wins over Excel (3-2), Misfits (3-0) and MAD Lions (3-1). The dynamic is launched, the players are motivated like never before and the viewers are back on the hype bandwagon. History would be great for this team, which has not won a trophy since 2018… an eternity on the scale of esports.

Now, you still have to ask yourself and think to assess the real chances that Fnatic has of going to the end. Against Rogue, in the “semi-final”, a victory is expected and a player like Nisqy, who faced both teams, had no real doubts about the outcome of the match. But you’ll still have to be a little wary… at Spring, the two had already crossed swords and Rogue had pulled off a very big blow (3-2) after a reverse sweep. Especially, even if Hyllisang and his people are on a good dynamic, we must not forget that G2 boxing in another category currently. Above all, Fnatic has multiplied the matches and its style of play is more than identified: playing around its botlane and surfing on Razork’s flashes of genius. The Samurai know this very well and they have had time to develop a anti-upset plan.

Snape: a surprise that would be significant

10% chance of winning

League of Legends

10% it’s harsh, but it seems to us to be fairly faithful to the expectations of the community. Very few people see Rogue winning against Fnatic, it must be said that the two teams have opposite dynamics which clearly tip the balance on one side. But it seems even more unbalanced against G2… It must be said that the Samurai have just inflicted a stinging 3-0 on one of their favorite victims. To lift its first European trophy, the structure will therefore need not one, but two exploits!

There’s also the clutch factor, which hasn’t always worked out for Rogue in the past. The players in the rosters are known to be solid, like Odoamne or Larssen. But when you have to sublimate yourself in important moments, the past does not particularly inspire confidence. The only good point in this outsider position is that there is no pressure. Rogue advances masked and could surprise his world. But on our side, we don’t believe it. If we compare all the roles, we don’t see a single player right now who is superior to Fnatic players. Even if League of Legends remains a team game, the Ninjas start from afar.


We always remember his first time… Yesterday, Adam scored his first competitive pentakill of his League of Legends career. This little personal feat drives the European Masters, who really need it right now. This also bodes well for BDS Academy.

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