LoL: a 12.5B hotfix with around ten balancing on March 9

Patch, hotfix, update, LoL, League of Legends, Riot, 12.5B, Jinx, Master Yi

Riot offers a balancing of ten champions with a 12.5 hotfix on March 9, pending the release of the next patch set for the end of the month.

Just like TFT which has just released a hotfix for its 12.5 patch, Riot deploys this March 9 a small patch 12.5B for League of Legends. Again, it’s a balancing update that will affect a few champions, so as not to leave players helpless before a little “holiday” of a week on the side of the editor who wants to discuss internally on the continuation of his projects. Eventually, the team should come back on a new patch cycle, and it is for this reason that the current 12.5 will last four and not two weeks before 12.6 which is postponed to March 30.

Master Yi, Varus, Draven, Ashe and Lucian get a buff while Ryze, Zeri, Jinx and Aphelios are nerfed. For Master Yi, it’s an important change after the last patch which caused his winrate to drop significantly. On the other hand, the hugely popular Jinx is the most chosen ADC at the top level and her nerf seemed to become inevitable.

At last, a nerf should take place for the Medallion of the Iron Solari, an essential object for supports. For the moment, Riot has not formalized the list which had been unveiled in preview by the account of Phlox:

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