LoL: A new exclusive callback animation for honorable players

Some time ago, Riot Games announced a novelty that delighted the most honorable players of League of Legends: a new end-of-season reward, an exclusive skin for everyone who reaches Tier 5. A more rewarding reward than those already present in the game such as the famous beacon skins (ugly) or even emotes (ugly too). If we do not yet know which champion will be chosen or even how Riot Games will proceed in its selection process – for the winning skin, the studio chooses a champion who marked the season – the announcement has been well received by the community.

And very good news since the studio still had a little surprise in store for us!

A brand new reminder animation

It may not be something you pay attention to when playing, your champion’s callback animation. If they are standardized (a champion has the same on most of his skins, especially on the oldest ones), they are more and more refined. To get this exclusive booster, nothing could be simpler: finish the season having reached Honor Rank 5.

The booster has amber and gold hues and the render draws inspiration from the colors and styling already present on the Symbol of Honor 5, and a similar visual can be seen floating above the champion’s head. Similar to the Challenger booster introduced in 2019 — and getting a small visual update along the way — honor booster is a way for players to show their skill in the game.

If you reach level 5, this booster animation will be permanent. But Riot Games knows there’s a long way to the heights of good humor. This is why, if you are not honor 5 at the end of the season, you will also be able to benefit from it if you were the most honorable player during your previous game..

Along with the new callback animation, Riot has introduced other rewards for honorable players — in addition to the existing ones. Upon reaching the maximum honor level in the game, players get “5 honor tokens”, which can be spent in the shop to purchase skins and chromas for Warwick Gray and Medieval Twitch. And also, of course, an exclusive skin that will be unveiled at the end of the year.

For the past few years, Riot Games has offered rewards to the most chilled League of Legends players – rewards considered insufficient for many. And good news, the most honorable summoners will FINALLY receive an exclusive skin.

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