LoL: A Rioter’s Youtube channel to learn how to play!

League of Legends is a complex gameplay with different internal mechanics that make the game a real challenge . In addition to understanding the nuances and synergies of each element or rune in the game, it is also necessary to have mechanical skills and think about them strategically in order to win games and improve as a player. This is where many players turn to studying the MOBA, but what if you could get advice from a developer at Riot Games?

That’s what the Rioter tries to do Matt Leung Harrison . In his own biography, he states that in addition to guiding the Summoner’s Rift team’s design direction on game balance and pre-season, he creates LoL educational content on YouTube. With more than 85,000 subscribers on his channel, RiotPhroxzon (as it is also called) is dedicated to creating videos teaching how to play.

The Rioter who creates educational LoL content

Although the last video posted by Matt Leung-Harrison was published in October 2021, the channel brings together dozens of timeless content on basic and complex League of Legends mechanics . With the first video dated back to June 2015, the Riot Games developer shows how to position yourself in each Summoner’s Rift lane and explains concepts like minion wave management how to take advantage of the moments when many champions reach a peak of power (powerspike), and more very important lessons to understand to improve on the MOBA of Riot Games.

The videos are entirely in English.

The video above is an example of how educated the developer is in their videos. His videos show the meaning of concepts such as ” freeze a wave (freeze)” and provide practical examples with plays from famous streamers and professional gamers , as well as possible situations that can arise in a match and how to react to them in the best way (/muteall). However, you will not find a guide to learn how to play a specific champion. The purpose of this channel is primarily to present the general mechanics of the game, not to dwell on the gameplay of a particular character.

Understanding how League of Legends works directly from one of the people in charge of balancing the game is a great opportunity. Matt is actually the Riot Games employee who took the time to explain why during the massive champion durability update, the devs chose to buff champion resistances instead of just reducing the damage of burst, as well as showing the impact of the patch. Even if the patch is not perfect, it is always nice to see the developers explain their choices, in order to better understand what they are trying to do, and their way of understanding the future of League of Legends.


Good news for Jean “Jezu” Massol and more generally for SK Gaming. The tricolor, absent from the last week of competition in the LEC should be able to make a comeback on Friday. Without him, it was difficult to have real ambitions for League of Legends for his team.

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