LoL: A third mini-rework confirmed for a champion who lost his place

Just a few days ago, we let you know that Taliyah and Olaf were getting what Riot Games calls “mid-range updates,” meaning mini-reworks of various abilities. The studio does not want to stop like that and Riot August has just announced on its Twitter account that an additional champion should undergo modifications of the same ilk.

That champion is none other than Swain, the Noxian Grand General. He is a character who has undergone several major changes throughout his story, but will return for more gameplay-relevant tweaks. We’re talking about a champion who started as a top laner, played as a mid laner, and ended up having even more success as a support.

Swain is on his way to a mini revamp

“Along with Olaf and Taliyah, we’re also working on a medium range upgrade for Swain. @TheTruexy is the designer working on him. We’ll have more to say in the future,” August says in his tweet. Truexy is in charge of patch 12.7, as the usual patch maintainer was on vacation for the past few weeks.

Currently, Swain has a 47.51% win rate and is picked in 0.97% of games, both terrible numbers for a champion who not too long ago received hotfixes. Between that and the fact that it’s almost exclusively played at Support for now, Riot Games will be looking to make the champion more interesting to players, as well as possibly opening the door for it to be used again in solo lanes.

We’ll have to wait a few weeks to see what Truexy has in store for this character, as well as what abilities have been tweaked to give her this update that we hope will allow the champion to shine again.

The arrival of the Arcane skins with League of Legends patch 12.7 in the upcoming patch 12.7 is one of the most anticipated by the community, but Riot Games made a controversial decision with Xayah and Rakan skins that angered fans. players.

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