LoL: A trophy more beautiful than the Worlds for Uzi?

Photo: LoL Esports

At 25, Jian”Uzi” Zi-Hao has a great League of Legends career behind him. A true icon of Riot Games’ MOBA, he will surely forever remain in the collective imagination as the best ADC in history. Obviously, this honorary title remains very subjective and some will say that we should also take into account players like Deft, Ruler, JackeyLove or even imp… These ADCs all have arguments to make, but it is still complicated to compete with the former RNG shooter.

There is still a little something missing in Uzi’s career. The latter never managed to win the Worlds. He has indeed lost twice in the grand final (against SKT and against Samsung White). In case of victory, he could have claimed to be the alter ego of Faker, which more or less means to be equal to a God within the community. But the Chinese will soon be able to boast of having a additional title on his rival. This “trophy” is a bit special and is not directly linked to League of Legends… however, it remains quite important for change two lives.

Congratulations Uzi!

At the end of 2021, we sent our congratulations to Uzi on his engagement to his girlfriend tingting after several years of relationship. Today and at the risk of repeating ourselves, we are sending her a second batch of positive waves: Tingting is pregnant and the two lovers are going to become parents ! They shared this happy news on the networks (Weibo) with a photo of ultrasound (Shanghai United Family Hospital). Like what, even if the living conditions are currently complicated in China because of the health crisis and the coronavirus, life continues to follow its course.

Generally, we are more used to seeing League of Legends players with a shirt in competition. But the players remain human beings first and foremost. Regularly, we see wedding or engagement photos (Upset, Vizicsacsi…) and within the community, we like to talk about Wife Buff. However, we do not really know if the Wife Buff or the baby buff of Uzi will be real…

End of career announced?

Uzi is not yet a crumbling and to 25 years, he could still continue to play. It is not known, however, if he will have the necessary motivation to return to the highest level. He had taken a first big break between 2020 and 2021 and for a long time the question of retirement arose. However, he ended up returning to competition in 2022, to the delight of his many fans, with Bilibili Gaming. The experience, however, came to an end. He only played 9 parts during the Spring Split of the LPL (4 wins for 5 losses), the starting position being entrusted to Chiu “Doggo” Tzu-Chuan, 6 years his junior. He recently announced that he was leaving BLG and taking another break, citing in particular his level of play which he considered insufficient. He did not completely rule out the possibility of returning later. But if taking into account the announcement of his future parenthood, Uzi could definitely draw a line under his playing career.

Whether it’s to enjoy his future child or to support his fiancée, Uzi is likely to be very busy in the months to come. Difficult in this context to see him become a pro player again, when you know the sacrifices you have to make to evolve at the highest level. Never say never, but we don’t expect to see Uzi playing competitively again. We will nevertheless remember his huge track record (1 MSI, 2 LPL and 1 Asian Games) and we thank him for all the memories that he gave us!

League of Legends is often cited as one of the fastest growing games by the community. The reason is simple: between patches and seasons, there is always new content coming out. Lately, Riot Games decided to release more female champions… and it’s no coincidence!

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