LoL: Another completely illegal Nautilus interaction…

Nautilus is far from the most popular champion in League of Legends, but this tank converted into a support gives rise to real curiosities. Hated by the vast majority of players due to its ability to hit targets on-screen that should have escaped it with its hook — the Deep Sea Titan has other 100% illegal interactions that appear to reveal programming errors. …dropping hooks in a way that we’ve already defined as illegal, the champion has a handful of interactions that reveal some programming errors and allow us to break some of its rules.

But… and the wall bro?!

Thanks to his A, the good Nautilus is able to immobilize a target, then bring it back to him, as if Amumu’s A and Blitzcrank’s had a child. If the spell touches an element of the scenery, such as a wall, Nautilus propels itself forward – which can lead to its death or, on the contrary, allow it to flee. However, this rule that accompanies it since its arrival in the Rift obviously did not support that we come to introduce the Predator rune in the equation.

The proof in pictures.

As seen in the video, for a short time after activating Predator, Nautilus is able to pull off combos that go against even the normal workings of his Q. The champion then has a small shooting window through which he is able to use his R, before returning to safety. He thus has a safe conduct, which is precisely what the spell is not supposed to allow.

Riot Games is unlikely to fix this interaction anytime soon, if at all.. However, it is clear that the combo is not that difficult to achieve, although it still requires some APM. Besides, he only offers a small advantage in very specific situations in the end – which means he will probably stay in League of Legends for months or even years.

Original content by MGG Spain

Champions in League of Legends sometimes get a little facelift, both in terms of their appearance and their spell kit. This operation is often more complex than it seems.

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