LoL: Bjergsen banned from playing in Mr. Beast and Ninja showmatch

League of Legends, Esports, Twitch, Bjergsen, Amazon, Ninja, MrBeast, Doublelift

Bjergsen, Team Liquid’s midlaner, should have entered Mr. Beast and Ninja’s $150,000 showmatch. However, Riot Games banned it.

The famous showmatch between Mr. Beast, the famous videographer and Ninja continues to be talked about after ending. While there was a rumor about Bjergsen’s possible participation in the meeting, Doublelift, who participated in Ninja’s team, confirmed that this rumor was indeed true, but that Riot Games prevented the player from participating. A mistake according to the retired ADC who described the event as free publicity.

In effect, professional League of Legends players participating in an official league like the LFL or in Bjergsen’s case, the LCS do not have the right to participate in other esports events such as showmatch. The purpose of this rule is to make the public loyal to the various leagues and that they find the best teams on the official circuits. However, exceptions are possible, but that obviously wasn’t the case for the mid laner. Although a lot of theory circulates, Riot has not communicated as to the reasons for this ban.

The match was however a success since the replay of the showmatch has already been seen 1.4 million times on Twitch and 250,000 times on Youtube.

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