LoL: Broxah talks about the toxicity suffered by junglers

In terms of the archetype that suffers the most insults in LoL games, the junglers are very well placed. Today fewer and fewer players are attracted to this role, yet paradoxically the most powerful in League of Legends. The situation is such that many professional gamers and streamers are speaking out about it. Recently Broxah published a video about it, and there was not much optimism.

An edifying observation

The words of the former Fnatic are both harsh and imbued with fatalism.

This will happen to all junglers. It doesn’t really matter what you do, even if you play well, people will flame you. It will happen.
This will happen because the laners don’t understand that their role is to hold their game up. Their role is not to behave like a toddler by crying, whining or shouting for their babysitter to come and do the work for them.
They make themselves look ridiculous. This is what I want to demonstrate. Keep in mind that no matter who you are, what you’ve accomplished as a League of Legends player, or what rank you play, your teammates’ behavior will never improve. This will never change. I know for some of you this is depressing, but the best thing that can happen to you is to accept it and prepare for it. You have to prepare for it so that the ambient negativity does not ruin your mood or your day.
Because you can’t avoid it. This is part of League of Legends and won’t change until Riot makes a penalty system that actually works. Because today you can do whatever you want in League of Legends, without being punished.

Some tips to improve this in your games

The first thing to do to avoid raging yourself is to identify what your jungler and the opposing jungler can do. If you have a Shyvana in your team, and there is a Lee Sin in front, it makes sense that the opposing jungler is the first on the lanes, Shyvana needs to farm to outscale her opponent. Thinking that your jungler will therefore counter gank at level 3 is just illusory, especially since even if he did, you wouldn’t necessarily have the advantage in 2v2. Conversely, if the Lee Sin is on your side, then it’s worth starting to let your opponent push a bit as they approach your lane, knowing that your jungler has a good chance of wanting to gank quickly. and that the opposing jungler will not want to counter gank. By being able to identify the playstyle of the 10 dominant junglers in the meta, you can anticipate how your early game will go, and whether you should play defensively or aggressively.

Also keep in mind that the junglers don’t necessarily know how your match-up is going. If you are supposed to crush your opponent and are therefore going to play aggressively, warn him in the select field. He can then possibly orient his game plan more around you. Even if he’s not supposed to dominate the early, he can support you by warding around your lane to avoid you being surprised by a gank. So even if it won’t really help you win your lane, it may prevent you from losing it to an opponent’s gank.

Of course, these tips work the other way around for junglers. If you want to gank early, let your select field mates know, so they can act accordingly. And conversely, if your champion requires you to be AFK up to level 6, warn your partners, and announce a side where you will place wards early. So your team will not necessarily have the impression that you are playing a different game than them. Of course, this additional communication will not solve the problem entirely, but may possibly defuse certain situations. Also remember that form is sometimes as important as substance, so avoid messages like: “Won’t gank till 6, so no QQ or I mute.”, and try to be neutral: “My field powerspikes at 6, and is weak in early, so I’ll avoid ganking before it.


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