LoL: Champions for a good start in the jungle – League of Legends

First of all, you have to choose the role in which you want to evolve. The choice of champions will be greatly reduced since they are not made to be played in all roles, far from it. There are, of course, intrepid people who exceed these limits, but we strongly advise against indulging in such experiments if you are new to LoL.

The champions to start well in the jungle on LoL

The role of jungler is radically different from all the others insofar as it does not take place on a particular lane. The principle of the role consists in killing the neutral monsters and taking advantage of the fog of war of the jungle to bring the surplus to the different places of the map. A gameplay based on ambushes (gank) and which can therefore benefit several types of characters. We can come across all kinds of champions in the jungle, with mainly fighters, assassins, tanks and we even find some mages and some shooters. Be careful, however, the role requires some analysis of the game as well as good decision-making in order to be effective.

Briefly, here is the list of champions for a good start in the jungle :

If you want additional information, we explain why these champions are, in our opinion and currently, suitable for start as a jungler on LoL.


An excellent starting choice to get started with this role. Amumu has very interesting tools that allow him to perform ganks quite easily by bringing significant damage in addition to his natural tanking. His kit makes him a very good element to help his allies. This utilitarian aspect reaches its climax with its ability to immobilize the entire enemy team, a decisive advantage in teamfights.

Amumu mainly draws its strength from its control potential. This advantage takes on its full meaning thanks to its Q, which allows it to quickly come into contact with the enemy in addition to stunning it, while granting the right to error by having two charges. His passive and W apply constant damage around you, spiced up with E damage, to further counter physical damage. Finally, the Champion’s key lies in his ultimate which stuns all nearby opponents.


A choice among the most effective fighters in the jungle thanks to its many assets. Warwick is extremely fast and has, without a doubt, the best lifestealing tools in the game. Finally, this one has some comfortable controls that can easily remove a carry when used well.

warwick base
Warwick benefits from naturally high damage thanks to his passive which also grants him lifesteal when he is low on HP. Damage and healing supplemented by his Q, providing more mobility. E gives an area fear effect, which can be a good asset to create space in teamfights, in addition to offering a significant damage reduction.

But the main strengths of Warwick are certainly without his W and his R. The first allows him to run at high speed as soon as a nearby enemy has lost most of his HP, while the second offers the possibility of dashing a great distance up to ‘ to the first enemy Champion hit, stunning them and inflicting significant damage that restores life to Warwick. The combination of the two spells can quickly become dangerous for inattentive carries.

Master Yi

The archetypal assassin, lethal and elusive, who can easily strike terror into the enemy rearguard. A colossal kill potential that is combined with a mechanical simplicity that is difficult to equal, ideal for starting to familiarize yourself with this role.

MasterYi base
The most emblematic fate of Master Yi remains his Q, which allows him to become untargetable by inflicting damage on several Champions, or only one if the latter is isolated. W gives you the ability to heal and temporize after your offense with a massive damage reduction.

For the rest of the kit, everything contributes to passively increase your damage, since it is either a double attack for the passive, raw damage for the E, or attack and movement speed for the A. Everything is there so that you can stay in contact with your target and chain the basic attacks to cut your enemies.

This list aims to familiarize you quietly with the stakes of the jungle, with simple characters. If you are looking to deepen your experience on this role, we recommend that you check out the tier list dedicated to LoL junglers.

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