LoL: Discover the Empyrean skins, the new theme that will accompany the release of K’Santé

The release of K’Santé, the 162nd champion to join League of Legends, is fast approaching. After a first teaser, Riot Games revealed its entire spell kit this weekend. But who says new champion, necessarily says launch skin, and the Pride of Nazumah is no exception to the rule – even better, it’s a new theme that will be inaugurated, that of the Empyreans. To do this, in addition to K’Santé, Riot Games has chosen 7 other champions, just that.

A new futuristic theme

Strangely, it does not seem that K’Santé is the central character of this new theme: “Driven by an insatiable need for revenge, Pyke begins his hunt. After each elimination, a new Empyrean is born, endowed with explosive powers.”. As you will have understood, the Abyssal Ripper also receives an appearance on this theme, alongside Jax, Vex, Zac, Zed, Jhin, Lux and K’Santé. Good news for fans of the depressed Yordle who were disappointed that she wasn’t chosen for this year’s Halloween skins.

  • pyke : The wait is not long for the ripper who receives his 7 skin (already) only 200 days after that of the fantasy shop, Ashen Knight
  • vex : First Shadow skin since its release in September 2021 (apart from its launch skin).
  • Zac : Some love for the blob who is only getting his 5th skin as the champion was released in 2013. It’s been over 700 days since Proto Zac, his last cosmetic was released.
  • Zed : And 10 skins for the Master of Shadows (the last being Zed seducer, released in September 2019).
  • Jin : The Virtuoso has always been in the small papers of Riot Games and receives its 8th skin in 6 years of existence.
  • Lux : 17th Lady of Light skin, nothing to add.
  • Jax : He doesn’t look like it, but the Master of Arms is getting his 14th skin, which isn’t very surprising for a champion released in 2009.

The 8 new cosmetics will arrive on the test server, the PBE, overnight, after the deployment of patch 12.20 on the live servers. They will be available on November 3 during the 12.21 cycle — at the same time as K’Santé, whose full spells you can discover in our dedicated article.

After a first cinematic, Riot Games has finally shared with the League of Legends community all the skills of K’Santé, the pride of Nazumah and 162nd champion to join Summoner’s Rift.

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