LoL: EDG players would have chosen their skins for the 2021 World Championships

On November 6, a new world champion was crowned on League of Legends. At the end of a Dantesque Bo5, which saw the reigning world champions compete in the Chinese formation of EDG, it is the latter who prevailed. And as for all the other crowned before them, the 5 players will receive next year a skin celebrating their coronation. Speculation has been rife since then and we had already made assumptions about which champions were most likely to be chosen. And as much to tell you that we did not aim very far.

Logical choices

Each player has, not without great surprise, chosen one of the champions he had played the most during the tournament. For Flanders, the top laner, so Graves wins (11 games played) against Jayce (5 games played).

At the level of the jungle, Jiejie was expected to choose Jarvan then that he had played it in 9 games. But when you think about it, the Demacian Example is already well stocked skin level of the Worlds (Fnatic Jarvan and Fnatic Samsung Galaxy). The player would have finally set his sights on Viego … which he only played once during the Worlds. But hey, as he won with it, why not …

The choice of Scout, the mid laner, is absolutely not surprising since it is Zoe who wins. Quite simply because he shone with the champion in the final but especially during the last two games which led the team to the coronation.

Viper had already decided on three champions during the press conference: Aphelios, Ezreal and Lucian. Even if he was more popular with Lucian during the tournament, he finally opted for Aphelios. And when we know how difficult it is to create appearances on the champion because of his spell kit, we wish the team in charge of the skin good luck.

Meiko also had a reduced list: Yuumi, Nami and Lulu, three enchanters he played so much. If the medium is a rift’s most hated little kitten worshiper, it’s ultimately Lulu who wins.

You will have to wait before discovering the first glimpses of these appearances, the development process is often long and the team likes to add animations inspired by the players. We will probably have to wait several months, but we can not wait to find out. And you, are you satisfied with these choices?

After the postponement of the Ekko Firelight skin, Riot Games is announcing another one. Janna’s mini-rework, the Avatar of the Air, originally planned for League of Legends patch 12.1, is also delayed.

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