LoL: Faker debunks an urban legend about pro players

The competitive scene of League of Legends got used to many professional players opting to retire at a very young age. For years, the great legends of the Rift have ended their careers very quickly, thus forging the myth that the age of 25 represents a barrier, from which the pros are no longer suitable for competition.

This belief, based only on practice, has never really found a strong argument in its favor and one of its biggest detractors is undoubtedly Faker…

Faker and the importance of age in professional players

In fact, in the interview following T1’s last game in the LCK, the Korean midlaner said that the age ” was a determining factor in the past “. However, the fact that the game receives fewer changes than in the first seasons now allows players to maintain performance for longer. Also, unlike the early years of League, today the game has been extensively theorized, so few new concepts that need to be quickly internalized are now being developed.

T1 have won all their games this season

Faker’s approach alludes more to the difficulty and effort required to learn what was needed in the past than to aging itself.. The careers of many professional players have been marked more by their time in competition than by their age, and there have even been great players who rose to prominence very late on. One of the most curious cases is that of Solo, who played his first Worlds at the age of 27…

Original content by MGG Spain


All eyes will be on today’s match between Fnatic and Team Vitality, the two European superteams. While the bees stumbled stammering their League of Legends yesterday, Fnatic and Humanoid are in great shape. Teaser, the midlaner launched hostilities at our microphone.

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