LoL: Faker Shows Even The Best Make Iron IV Mistakes

can you imagine Faker die against the blue buff? As surprising as this action may be, it happened in a ranked game. Thanks to Tyler1, North American content creator of League of Legends, the VOD of the game in which one of the most unlikely actions takes place, especially at the Challenger level. If the names of the players were not displayed, no doubt many spectators would think of watching a game with Iron ranked players .

This happened on the champion queue , the SoloQ super server in North America. In this queue, the best players in the country as well as the participants in the Worlds of League of Legends, trained in order to sharpen their game mechanics, and to prepare for their next matches.

The blue buff, Faker’s number one enemy

The action is more than clear. Faker plays with Bel’Veth in the blue side jungle. In order to properly start his jungle clear, he asks his Fiora for help, so that the blue buff dies more quickly. Once she has helped her jungler, Fiora leaves for her lane and lets the South Korean player complete this buff, which should allow her to level up to 2.

Before finishing him, Faker tries to optimize his time also pulling the Gromp, but it ends up straying a bit too far from the blue buff that resets. This allows him to regenerate his hit points, and Faker becomes unable to kill him before the monster’s health is back up. In addition, the T1 midlaner used his Smite to pull the Gromp, and therefore no longer has a panic burst for the Blue, which could have allowed him to get out of this critical situation.

How could this have happened?

Tyler1 commented that this mechanical failure could be a latency issue , because the ping is somewhat unstable within this superserver. The other explanation would be that Faker is not yet fully accustomed to the new aggro mechanics of jungle monsters. Riot Games wants to make sure that it is no longer possible to make two camps at the same time, so as not to disadvantage junglers who are unable to do so. This would make it easier for them to balance the jungle, since developers will no longer have to take this variable into account.

Even though this new feature is mostly planned for the 2023 season, some people’s aggro distance has already been reduced a bit. Not enough to prevent it being possible to make 2 camps almost simultaneously, but already to reduce the impact of this mechanic. Not yet totally accustomed, Faker would have been surprised. The third possibility would be simply fatigue or a careless mistake, which even happens to the best.


DRX won League of Legends Worlds this year, upsetting T1 and Faker. While there are a lot of little stories to tell, one of them can make you smile… The team scrimmed with surprising partners for the grand finale!

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