LoL: G2 snubbed by Karmine Corp for LEC level scrims?

Photo: LoL Esports / Karmine Corp

The end of the playoffs LEC arrive this week and the suspense remains to know the identity of the next European champion. The defending champions have not been there for a while since the MAD Lions didn’t even manage to slip into the top 6 in the regular season. The win will therefore be decided between Snapealready qualified for the grand final, fnatic and G2 Esports.

While the rest of the LEC teams are on vacation and some don’t even have 5 players in their roster (Astralis), the community is asking itself a question. Who are the training partners of the last three Mohicans? It’s unimaginable that Fnatic and G2 will play against each other, given that both teams meet in the lower-bracket final. Rogue on his side is spoiled for choice, but the team cannot multiply. It is therefore necessary to find alternatives and the top LEC teams are eyeing the side of the European Masters

Jankos Reveals G2 Esports Scrim Partners: Rogue and Academic Teams at EUM

G2 Esports has several scrim partners to prepare for the next Classico against Fnatic. Jankos named Rogue, the end boss who awaits the Samurai in the grand finale. For the others, he did not give names but mentioned the LEC academic teams who are committed to the European Masters. The competition is ongoing and even if the level is generally lower than in the European elite, we still find talented players and structures with a very structured technical staff. When we look at the list of competitors entered, we can therefore assume that teams like Vitality.Bee, BDS Academy, Fnatic TQ and Snape AGO are in discussion.

For these teams, it is also a good opportunity to improve by facing top players like caps Where Broken Blade. Obviously playing a team in scrim or a team in competition, it does not have the same value. But it’s still a good start to prove its value and why not catch the eye of the big teams… We imagine that the coaches watch training carefully but that this is also the case for recruiters who do not want not miss the nuggets of tomorrow.

And the Karmine Corp in all this?

When we talk about European Masters, we are obliged to mention the Karmine Corp. The team has won the last two editions and for some, it would have the level to shine in LEC. Everyone will have their own opinion on the matter, but it’s true that when you have a player like Rekkles in its ranks, we can assume to be a good training partner in this period when worthy opponents are not running the streets.

But G2 does not plan to scrim against the players of Kameto. Except that it’s not G2 who snubs the KC, but the opposite! Jankos didn’t go into detail, but apparently Karmine has always refused to scrim Samurai in the past. We have no explanation and we do not know if this general refusal could change in the future. But the information remains comical enough to be mentioned… Especially since a priori, the two teams get along rather well given that they managed to agree on the transfer of Rekkles during the last transfer window. Afterwards, we can assume that the Karmine prefers to avoid scrimming a fish that is too big so as not to see its confidence shattered in the event of a stomp.


League of Legends is above all about players and teams fighting to win. But to live the competitions with passion, you also need casters and interviewers. Among the most influential faces in the LEC is Bulii. In Berlin, we had the opportunity to talk to him.

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