LoL game news: the Lunar Festival 2022 is announced in trailer, but there are a few changes!

Game News LoL: Lunar Festival 2022 is announced in trailer, but there are some changes!

The month of January is getting closer and closer to its end, which indicates that it is time for League of Legends to begin a brand new event. The end of January will therefore rhyme with Lunar Festival since it was recently announced through a trailer. Nevertheless, the Riot teams will take advantage of this event to make small adjustments.

Lately, the Riot Games teams have been paying particular attention to the various feedback that players from the community can make. Just a few days ago, we were talking about the development studio’s statement on the improvements to be made within the game, in particular on points such as damage, healing and the recalcitrant problem of the Power Creep. But, currently, the timing seems tight for the teams who, on top of that, have to take care of the arrival of their new champion, Zeri.

Available since yesterday, we took the time to detail it the specificities. This comes at just the right time since currently, League of Legends monopolizes the eSport news due to the launch of the Spring Split 2022 of the LFL (French League of League of Legends), intensifying competition day by day. For its part, Riot Games does not aim to let go of the accelerator in terms of novelties since the launch of the Lunar Festival 2022 is imminent.

Easier to get rewards!

During the latest event in League of Legends, namely the Seducers event, Riot Games wanted to make some changes in the way of understanding the events within the game: the idea was then to orient them in such a way that they reward more the practice of the game, in general, than the fact of playing a very specific number of games. The concept was commendable on paper, but its realization was much more risky which earned the development studio few negative comments from players.

Still, these were quickly heard and the Riot Games teams planned, from the launch of the Lunar Festival event, to review their copy. One of the major changes is in earning points: they will be easier to earn compared to previous events, making completing missions and earning rewards much less tedious.

Our goal was to make LoL events more focused on LoL game modes, but also more respectful of your time. However, we missed the mark on this second part – the technical hurdle of not having a point “rollover” mechanism unintentionally slowed down the token rate, which really wasn’t the goal.

LoL: Lunar Festival 2022 is announced in trailer, but there are some changes!

For example, it will be possible to obtain up to 10 tokens per victory, depending on the game modes, if you have opted to purchase a premium pass. Note that they can be won an unlimited number of times, but cannot be used if you have not purchased an event pass.

The Orb Mission, on the other hand, is getting a reduction in required points, as are the Stage Missions and Weekly Rewards for Premium Pass holders. Overall, Riot is making it easier for players to complete missions and claim rewards during the four-week event that runs from January 26 to February 28—a most welcome change!

  • Sources: Upcomer, Riot Games
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Through Jinxeb, Writing


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