LoL: Is the Star Guardians event bad?

The event Guardian of the stars officially started with the release of patch 12.13. The community feedback are not made to wait, and a vociferous part has spoken saying that the event was of the type: “shattered on the ground“. The comment that comes up most often is that it is only a pale copy of Spirit Blossom, a vent that had already split in its time. But is this really the case? Do we have all the keys to fully understand this event? Let’s try together to see it a little clearer.

A lazy event?

One of the complaints that comes up most often is theabsence of one dedicated game mode, while there had already been one for the Guardians of the Stars. Of course, repeating this experience would have been nice, especially for players who did not have the opportunity to do so at the time. This absence is a huge lack, becausewe don’t play League of Legends in this event. We are happy to read dialogueswith some choice which probably won’t have much bearing on the final outcome of the event. In terms of player engagement, we’ve seen better.

But is this a lazy event? The artworks and drawings are downright good quality, and it is already a huge job. The animation they are enough discreet (for the moment) even downright dispensable (the characters who turn on themselves in the dialogues plunged me into an abyss of perplexity, probably because I don’t have the ref). In addition, besides that, the new goalkeepers are still entitled to a animated music video. It’s a long thing to do, and to call it lazy would be an insult. Not engaging for players, maybe. Lazy, no.

Then there are the characters. Although it’s an alternate universe, some of them really have very different characters of those of the“main” universe. Will an Akali hand really regain the personality of its core champion in this universe? Not sure. And as the story is distilled drop by drop, it is a little difficult to feel committed once again.

Not the ref!

If we base ourselves on Magical Girls universe (from which the event is greatly inspired), we may feel a little less lost. L’high school universe There is the base, perfect to introduce these young people who will protect the world. The familiar are also a good reference. In addition, the visual novels are popular in Asia. Maybe we’re just not here main target of this event, and that the asian audience is more targeted?

Puella Magi Madoka☆Magica - League of Legends
Puella Magi Madoka☆Magica

Now let’s talk about the story. This looks pretty basic at first glance, but some clues suggest we’ll probably have right to a little more depth if you bother to dig. I am not an expert in the Magical Girls universe, my only experiences being Sailor Moon and Puella Magi Madoka☆Magica. Nevertheless in these two stories, I was very surprised to find a much deeper storyline than one might have expected. Very many themes are approached there, very different in each of the works, but always treated with seriousness and sensitivity.

I very much doubt that this League of Legends event can go that far, but even if it only doesskim the surface, then it will already be fine. Am I seduced today by the new Star Guardians? No, but just by reading the dialogues, I saw some clues not necessarily well hidden but which reminded me of these two works which I appreciated a lot, and so I think that the event could finally be a nice surprise. Most likely not the one who will revolutionize League of Legendsnor the one that we will remember in 10 years, but an event that we will say at the end that it was not not so bad.


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