LoL: MSI patch 12.8 is here with special attention for Swain

As expected, as the MSI approaches on May 10, Riot Games has rolled out its League of Legends patch 12.8 after a 12.7 who wanted to shake up the meta. A patch that will be used during the competition and which mixes buffs and nerfs for champions. Swain Notably gets a big, long-awaited update with an adjustment to all of his skills.

The Grand General is back and he’s stronger than ever. Swain has made quite a name for himself in bot lane since his last mini-rework, but since he’s the commander-in-chief of the Noxian Vanguard, he should also strike fear into his enemies in a solo lane. The objective of this medium-scale update is therefore to restore him to his status as a master strategist and a dark and demonic order to rid him of his image of a man who needs others to carry out his plans.

Along with the mana buffs granted to all of his skills, there have also been some notable changes to his crowd control abilities. Swain can no longer pull crowd-controlled enemies from his allies, but his E now allows him to pull all those that it immobilizes. This makes it all the more terrifying in bottlenecks and narrow corridors. All of these changes should make Swain players, regardless of his role, feel like he’s truly a ruthless ruler but a shrewd tactician (especially when he casts Demonic Incarnation, which now lasts as long as Swain can drain enemy souls) . Sacrifices are inevitable.


SOUL FRAGMENT HEALING 4/5.5/7% max health ⇒ 4/5.5/7/9% max health (at levels 1/6/11/16)


E DRAW MECHANISM Swain can no longer use his Passive Skill – Swarm of Crows to attract immobilized enemies (to see E – Catch) and snatch them soul fragments.


DAMAGE 55/75/95/115/135 (+40% of your ability power) ⇒ 60/80/100/120/140 (+38% of your ability power)

BONUS DAMAGE PER ADDITIONAL PROJECTILE 8.25/15/23.75/34.5/47.25 (+6/8/10/12/14% of your ability power) ⇒ 12/22/32/42/52 (+ 8% of your power)

MAX DAMAGE (AT 5 MISSILE) 88/135/190/253/324 (+64/72/80/88/96% of your ability power) ⇒ 108/168/228/288/348 (+70% of your ability power)

COOLDOWN 9/7.5/6/4.5/3 seconds ⇒ 7/6/5/4/3 seconds

MANA COST 65/70/75/80/85 ⇒ 45/50/55/60/65


MANA COST 70/80/90/100/110 ⇒ 60/65/70/75/80

VISIONARY launch a signal on W – Eye of the Empire Now displays a list of enemies within range in team inbox (similar to Twisted Fate and Nocturne ultimates).


PITOYABLE PIONS can now be reactivated to attract all the champions immobilized by E – Catchwhich also removes 1 soul fragment to each of these champions.

SILENT SACRIFICES Swain no longer deals damage when he pulls a target.

TRULY VISIONARY now grants vision to all immobilized targets.

DISCOUNT FOR DEMONS the cooldown of E – Catch is reduced by 20% for R – Demonic Incarnation.


COOLDOWN 120 seconds ⇒ 100/80/60 seconds

DRAIN DAMAGE PER SECOND 35/50/65 (+14% of your ability power) ⇒ 20/40/60 (+10% of your ability power)

DRAIN HEAL PER SECOND 20/35/40 (+16% of your ability power) ⇒ 15/40/65 (+25% of your ability power)

Doombird no longer grants +125/200/275 bonus HP to Swain while active.

OF ONE STONE TWO SOULS no longer doubles HP gained from soul fragments during its working life.

ACTIVE DURATION 12 seconds ⇒ based on amount ofdemonic energy.

DEMON ENERGY Demonic Incarnation grants 50demonic energy on activation and Swain loses 10 per second. After 5 seconds ofDemonic Incarnationthe loss ofdemonic energy increases to 15 per second.

SOUL THIEF When draining enemy champions, Swain gains 20demonic energy per second.

DEMON ENERGY after 2 seconds ofDemonic IncarnationSwain can reactivate his ultimate to cast R – Demonic Eruption. R – Demonic Eruption can only be cast once and does not end Demonic Incarnation.


DAMAGE 100/150/200 (+50% of your ability power) ⇒ 150/225/300 (+60% of your ability power)

CONFLAGRATION Demonic Eruption Now slows enemies by 60%, and this slow decays over 1.5 seconds.

OUT OF STOCK Demonic Eruption no longer deals bonus damage based on HP drained to enemies.

This Thursday, a small hotfix also buffed him by increasing his base armor and base speed.


Base Stats

BASE ARMOR 23 ⇒ 26


For the rest, we note an improvement in Fiddlesticks’ W with better healing against champions and therefore better resistance in the middle game. Jinx botlane has his HP reduced and about fifteen champions are buffed. Also note the changes to the fantastic content at the level of the exposure and Senna levels of the prestige lunar eclipse

The full patch can be found at this link.

On the skin side, Lunar Eclipse Aatrox, Lunar Eclipse Senna, Lunar Eclipse Senna Prestige, Solar Eclipse Sejuani, Solar Eclipse Sivir, Kayle Sun Eater, Gangplank the Betrayer, and Sea Wolf Yasuo will be available from April 28, 2022.

Lunar Eclipse Aatrox and Kayle Sun Eater

Lunar Eclipse Senna

Prestige Lunar Eclipse Senna

Solar Eclipse Sejuani

Solar Eclipse Sivir

Gangplank the Traitor

yasuo sea bass

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