LoL: Nisqy’s night at the Worlds, encouraging beginnings

Photo: LoL Esports

Hans-Sama, Vetheo or Adamwill not be Worlds This year. It must be said that the selection process is particularly demanding. But there will still be French speaking players in the competition like Nisqy (MAD Lions), which will launch its campaign from the Play-In. Francophone and appreciated by all, he will be our common thread for the start of the competition. Night after night you will be offered a follow up on his performance, hoping he joins the main draw.

A rough first match to warm up

Even though Nisqy only took about forty seconds to retrieve the First Blood of the competition, we are forced to speak of a sluggish match for MAD Lions against Isurus. The Latin American team was on paper inferior, and we could quickly see that there was a class gap between the two competitors. The Lions immediately took the lead and the Belgium mid laner created quite a few differences on the map, maximizing Taliyah’s mobility. Unfortunately, the copy got a bit messy towards the end. bothered by Grell, the jungler of Isururs, the Lions struggled to conclude and even felt the breath of their opponents in their neck. Despite a clear advantage, they took 40 minutes to finish, facing the passage after a Badly mastered Baron Nashor.

This lack of regularity and consistency is the great weakness of MAD Lions this year and we are not really surprised. As in the Summer Split, the players alternate the good and the less good. In difficult times, however, the team can always count on Nisqy. Precious, he knew calm things down and put up good walls for lock card and get his teammates back on track. It wasn’t spectacular, but it was effective. With a KDA of 8/4/8he did the job.

A second rather well-negotiated technical match

The 2nd meeting of the night for MAD Lions was very technical. Once again, the 4th seed of the LEC has always raced ahead at gold level, enjoying a hot start with 5 early game kills. But, we did not feel the players totally serene. Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and the Istanbul Wildcats Turks were brave. They didn’t give up and even ended up with 3 dragons, seriously threatening to get an elemental soul. Fortunately, the latter never came and a big Unforgiven (1/14/1) buried the hopes of the TCL champions.

Nisqy during the game evolved on a wire. With his Sylas, he suffered a bit from his lack of range. He had to enter the teamfights with caution and he very often played the role of flanker. The Belgian showed patience and foresight to find good angles and hinder the progress of the enemy. He only missed once, which could have been very expensive. But overall he delivered a very clean copy, dancing with death and pushing his champion to his limits. The mid laner ends the game by 3/1/10, a score that underlines his sense of the collective. In view of the configuration of the game and its contribution, ending with a single death is a little feat. Nisqy’s first night was restless, but encouraging for the sequel.


A last-minute guest managed to crash into League of Legends Worlds. Unfortunately, we are not really surprised and this undesirable was more or less to be expected… For the moment, the organizers are still managing to provide the essentials, hoping that it holds.

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