LoL: No Worlds, but no retirement in sight for Santorini

Photo: LoL Esports

We imagine that the current atmosphere at Team Liquid is not particularly happy. On League of Legends, the year was very complicated and the results are very meager. The team did win the pre-season tournament (Lock In), but this one is not of much use… The structure has in the end built a superteam, stealing in passing Hans-Sama and Bwipo to Europe, so as not to win a split and above all to miss the qualification for the Worlds ! Team Liquid boss Steve has spoken. With a serious air and eyes misted with sadness, he apologized to the fans while promising changes for next year…

Since then, speculation has been flying in all directions. Wooloo swung in the night thatHans-Sama could go to the Karmine Corp., to the delight of ultras. On the networks, a rumor came out of nowhere announcing that the jungler, Santoriniwould be about to announce its retirement. But the principal concerned quickly denied the noises of corridors: the retirement, it is not for immediately!

A veteran hit but not sunk

Luke”Santorini” Tao Kilmer Larsen is now 25 years old. He is no longer very young and it seems like he has been playing League of Legends for an eternity. It must be said that he has been through many teams, that it either in North America or in Europe (TSM, FlyQuest, Team Coast, NRG Esports, H2K, Gold Coin United…) Despite his successes (1 LCS title, 1 IEM and 3 Worlds participations) he lags behind him a reputation as a player washed up. The community isn’t particularly kind to him, and his career has been constantly showered with criticism.

We can therefore assume that the rumors announcing his retirement because of “health problems“, do not start from particularly good intentions. It is all the more cruel, that he has indeed experienced small problems in the past and that he took a break to recharge his batteries and come back. But for the Suddenly, the jungler assured that he had never felt so good in his life. He learned to listen to his body and retirement is not for now. This is something to reassure his fans.

Team Liquid, everyone wants to take their place?

Team Liquid promised to change in its League of Legends roster for 2023. No name has been given, but we know that the will of the structure is to build a more balanced and thoughtful team based on local talents, rather than opting for a superteam that can quickly turn into a super-disappointment. We can therefore imagine that the 5 players of the current roster are in the hot seat:

  • Bwipo (top): he does not have NA resident status and he has not convinced. We imagine that he is closer to leaving than to staying.
  • Santorini (jungle): very difficult to predict your future. This will mainly depend on the opportunities on the market.
  • Bjergsen (mid): Elected as the best player in LCS history, he could stay. His state of mind is renowned for being exemplary and he is perfect for accompanying young talents.
  • Hans-Sama (ADC): Wooloo sends him to Karmine Corp, a return to Europe is likely.
  • CoreJJ (Supp): at the end of the contract, he is still in a complex situation vis-à-vis his compulsory military service. He is not expected to return for another season.


League of Legends Worlds will begin on September 29. The groups have been drawn and everyone has their own prognosis. If we rely on a somewhat unusual statistic, the future winner should be in the G2 Esports group…

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