LoL — Patch note 12.8: Swain’s mini rework is coming

Find the latest changes made on the League of Legends live servers: patch 12.8. Discover all the changes related to this patch: from the balance of champions to new skins without forgetting the changes of objects and runes.

Contents of patch 12.8

New Skins

  • Aatrox & Senna from the Lunar Eclipse, Kayle, Sivir and Sejuani from the Solar Eclipse, Gangplank the Traitor, Sea Wolf Yasuo

Champion Changes

  • buffs : Mordekaiser, Vladimir, Poppy, Sejuani, Fiddlesticks, Zoe, Kassadin, Vel’Koz, Xerath, Sylas, Ezreal, Tristana, Jhin, Bard
  • Balances : Kai’Sa (AP version), Swain
  • nerves :Soraka, Jinx, Xayah

Item Changes


  • New summoner icons, new emote

Patch day rhymes with novelties. As 12.7 hits the League of Legends live servers tonight, skins for the next cycle have already been revealed — and Bilgewater is in the spotlight!

The Noxian Grand General mini rework is coming to League of Legends, and the changes are quite numerous. Will we soon see the champion on the solo lanes again, as Riot Games hopes?

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