LoL: Players to watch for the LEC Spring Split

We had left him on a coronation of MAD Lions a few months ago, the League of Legends European Championship (LEC), is finally back. The European league begins this Friday, January 14 with a tantalizing MAD Lions vs Team Vitality in opening. The two-time defending champion takes on the new European superteam with Perkz as captain. Besides the return of the child prodigy, Europe has seen the arrival of many rookies and the return of old faces ready to break everything. We take stock of the players to follow for this LEC Spring Split.

Luka “Perkz” Perkovic

Leaving for North America in 2021, Perkz returns to Europe after a rather satisfactory year. While he wasn’t the most dominant midlaner, he helped Cloud9 win another LCS title as well as pass a complicated group to the Worlds after a memorable tiebraker against Rogue. For his return, the Croatian has only one objective, put Vitality back in the spotlight. However, this will not be easy and even more so when we know that Perkz is no longer the dominant player he was several years ago.

If he is not the player most in difficulty either, quite the contrary, the fact remains that competition has improved on the midlane in Europe. In fact, the former G2 Esports star will have to show that he still has the individual level but above all that he has the ability to bring Vitality back to the fore in League of Legends. revenge, Perkz will certainly shine in its new colors, and that’s all we hope for Vitality, which has invested so much this year to have a competitive team.

Raphael “Targamas” Crabbe

Best ERL Player of 2021, Targamas has logically found a team in the LEC for 2022, and not just any team. The Belgian support has joined G2 Esports, most successful team in Europe, in an attempt to put the structure back in the first place. Although it will not be his first experience in the European league, Targamas has little experience at this level but he will have great responsibilities. However, given these performances last year, there is very little doubt about the Belgian’s ability to carry his team.

As talented mechanically as they are game savvy, it should bring a lot of freshness to a structure that needed it. Although it may take some getting used to, Targamas could establish himself as one of the best in his position very quickly in Europe as he proved that he was at the level at Karmine Corp. We are now waiting to see his performance on the first meetings and especially his adaptation with his new ADC, Flaked.

Victor “Flakked” Lirola

Controversial G2 Esports rookie for 2022, Flakked will have great responsibilities. Besides the fact of having to take the place of Rekkles, the Spaniard will have to show that he has the level of the LEC and that G2 Esports was right to trust him. While there were many ADCs available including Hans Sama, Carzzy or Rekkles, the finalist structure of the Worlds in 2019 has decided to take Flaked. In fact, the whole community expects spectacular performances from the rookie in the LEC.

If he does not arrive with the best track record sincehe comes out of a complicated season in LVP at MAD Lions Madrid, he stood out from the crowd compared to his teammates. The Spanish ADC notably won 9 MVP titles during the regular season at the Summer Split. If these awards do not necessarily show a level out of the ordinary, he still impressed the spectators of the Spanish league as well as the recruiters of G2 during the pre-season tests. In any case, it will be necessary to watch him carefully because he could well be the relief at the post of ADC as completely collapsing under the pressure.

Steven “Reeker” Chen

He is also one of the rookies joining the LEC this year, Reeker arrives after a convincing year at BIG in the Prime League. Double winner of the German league, he also reached the semi-finals of the EU Masters in the Summer Split, defeated by the eventual winner, KCORP. His performances have impressed many teams and he was among the legitimate candidates to move up to the LEC in 2022.

Under the colors of MAD Lions, where he will take the place of Humanoid, the German will try to keep the titles acquired by the structure in 2021. If this mission seems difficult, his individual talent, however, should allow the European champion to finish at the top of the rankings. In addition, MAD Lions are known to integrate rookies as we have seen in 2021 with Elyoya. In a healthy and efficient environment, Prime League Summer Split MVP should be able to show the full extent of his talent in 2022.

Jakub “Cinkrof” Rokicki

Like Targamas, his former teammate at Karmine Corp, Cinkrof returns to LEC after missed stint in 2017. With Origen, the Polish jungler did not have an ideal situation sincehe had arrived at the end of the season in a team completely at the pick up and who was struggling to win a game. Several years later, Cinkrof has regained his health in ERL within the KCORP and joined Team BDS, having just arrived in the LEC. This time, he arrives in an environment that seems healthier and with players he already knows.

Indeed, he will find Adam and xMatty, his former teammates at Karmine Corp.. If the community doubts his ability to impose himself in his position in the European league, it could well motivate him to surpass himself and have a remarkable season. Indeed, the situation was a bit similar arriving at the start of 2021 where French fans were questioning his level of play. before he proves otherwise. If his old demons of 2017 have harmed him so far, he has another chance to prove himself at the top European level.

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