LoL – Preseason 2023: Changes in the jungle, new items, recap of all the changes

Every year it’s the same refrain, when the Worlds start, Riot Games does not waste a minute to announce the changes to come for the next season of League of Legends. If this year the preseason is not the most important, it still includes some important changes – especially at the level of the jungle, but not only. So let’s review all the new things coming to Summoner’s Rift.

Return of pets and more accessible jungle

The most significant addition is that of three pets — each granting effects different. You will buy them in the shop in the form of an egg. These animals will get “treats” and slowly evolve over the course of the game, especially thanks to the monsters you kill. Once evolved, pets will give their owner’s avatar bonuses that grant them different abilities.

Riot Games also wants to make the role of jungler more accessible by adding visual effects to materialize the maximum distances at which camps can be attracted before their patience runs out, but also a system of recommended routes.

The jungle is going to undergo big changes in the 2023 League of Legends preseason. The most important is the addition of small pets, which will permanently accompany the champions in this position, and which will help them throughout the game.

Return of the Techno-Chemical Dragon

Problematic and finally removed at the start of Season 12, the Techno-Chemical Dragon is back in Summoner’s Rift. This new version, much less risky than the previous one, still offers interesting improvements. You can find out in the article below the bonus, the soul and the changes that will affect the plants of the jungle that this new dragon will grant.

On the occasion of the introduction of the 2023 preseason on the PBE, Riot Games revealed all the new features coming to League of Legends. Among them, the new version of the Techno-chemical dragon that returns to Summoner’s Rift, bearing no resemblance to its ancestor.

A little love for the top-laners

In addition to the big changes planned for the jungle, Riot Games has decided to offer a little help to a group of forgotten players on League of Legends: the top-laners – with in particular an improved experience gain compared to duo lanes, but also an advantage on gold gain compared to mid-laners.

In addition to the big changes planned for the jungle, Riot Games has decided to offer a little boost to a group of forgotten players in League of Legends: the top-laners – with in particular an improved gain of experience.

Better communication between teammates

The developers went to great lengths to revamp one of the game’s most archaic systems that needed a major overhaul. We are talking about the communication options, which will undergo a great improvement from patch 12.22, improvement that will include new pings and even a system for the team to vote on whether or not they want to fight for an objective.

One of the biggest changes coming to League of Legends 2023 preseason will have nothing to do with gameplay. Rather, it’s a tweak to communication systems to compensate for the lack of voice chat.

New Items and Item Changes

Most of the new things coming to League of Legends in the form of new items are tank-related. This is the case for three of the five items coming for the 2023 preseason. In addition, all those who are destined for this role will be Mythical, which will make them very important in terms of equipment and will make these champions the ones who will have the most items of that type available. There are also two deleted legendaries that the community fondly remembers.

League of Legends is preparing for the arrival of a new preseason which will be marked by major changes to many items. Between redesign and novelty, discover the main changes that will arrive in the game store.

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