LoL: PSG in a delicate position to see the Worlds?

Photo: LoL Esports

When come the Worlds, you never really know what to expect from the cast. Behemoths like T1, G2 or even TSM regularly miss the competition… It is sometimes complicated to stay permanently on top! But in this uncertainty, however, there was one constant in recent years: PSG. The team dominates its region (PCS) head and shoulders and has represented its league at the last 4 major international tournaments (Worlds and MSI). This beautiful series could however stop net. The PSG is in difficulty and will have to whip to hope to obtain its place.

An accident in the playoffs quickly happened…

the PSG Heel yet had a classic regular season this summer, finishing once again in first place in his league (PCS). With 14 wins for 4 losses, the experienced players on the roster approached the playoffs with serenity. But, for its first Bo5, the team fell to the end of the suspense against CTBC Flying Oyster. The structure probably doesn’t tell you much, but in the team we still find players who have already tasted the international scene like Assignment Where Koala. PSG are not used to losing Bo5s in their region and they were sent directly into the looser-bracket.

The Worlds are still possible, but to get there, you will have to go up the tree by chaining 3 victories in a row in Bo5. The players are on a mission and they have already passed the J Team obstacle (3-0). However, there are still two perilous encounters against Meta Falcon Team and Beyond Gaming… two teams that managed to beat PSG Talon this summer in Bo1. Nothing is won yet and we will have to whip for this Parisian team from the other side of the world.

Is this good news for the PCS region?

One can wonder if the situation of the PSG Talon is ultimately not good news for the region PCS. The glorious era of LMS seems gone and the youngest don’t even have to remember TPA, the team that won the Worlds in Season 2! Since then, the Asia Pacific league has lost its prestige and for many, apart from PSG, there are not really any worthy competitors. It must be said that the latest international results have not necessarily given a good image of the other members.

But while PSG are currently in a complicated position and other ambitious teams could steal the show for the Worlds, this may mean that the level is rising. However, we can see the half empty glass of water and imagine that without PSG, the PCS region is doing even worse than usual


For a while now, the French community has lost sight of the Chinese league of League of Legends. The latter is still just as competitive, but unfortunately there is no longer an official cast in French… Fortunately, we can count on Kameto who will rekindle the flame for the final!

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