LoL: PSG present a new highly rated recruit

Photo: LoL Esports

the PSG Talon experienced a first half of the season in its standards at the results level. The structure won its 3rd championship title PCS in a row. But if the regular season looked like a walk in the park (16 wins for 2 losses), the playoffs were not easy. The team indeed lost its Bo5 in the upper bracket against CPO, before narrowly taking its revenge against this opponent in the grand final (3-2). In the same vein, the MSI was generally complicated. In addition to having lost in the opening to everyone’s surprise against the Brazilians of Red Canids, PSG failed to see the Knockout Stage. Unlike last year, the team therefore finished outside the top 4…

The leaders therefore do not seem very satisfied and they kicked out two players: Juhan (jungle) and Bay (mid). A first recruit has been announced and on paper, he should bring great added value to the roster.

A former LCK MVP at PSG

The new PSG recruit is Kim “Gori” Tae-woo. How often the team decided to turn to Korea for shopping. But this time they really caught a big fish. The midlaner was thus voted MVP of LCK in Summer 2021, following his very strong performance with NS Red Force. It’s pretty strong, when you look at the other midlane monsters that play in the Korean league (Faker, ShowMaker, Bdd, Chovy…). Since then, Gori had signed with FPX in the Chinese league. However, things did not go as planned. The results were disappointing and at the end of the Spring Split, he had even lost his starting place in favor of the very young Care (born in 2004).

At PSG, Gori will therefore try to relaunch his career by discovering a 3rd competitive region. A former replacement for Faker and a former replacement for Scout, he spent quite a bit of time in The shadow. It is therefore perhaps the time for him to finally fully taste the light. He didn’t win much during his career (only the IeSF 9th Esports World Championship). By joining PSG, he has the duty and the obligation to fill his trophy cabinet.

A Korean jungler approaching?

With the recruitment of Gori, only one piece is missing to complete the puzzle. The unstoppable Hanabi (top), Unified (ADC) and Kaiwing (Supp) haven’t moved an inch and now we need to find a jungler. For the moment, no information has leaked. But we can reasonably imagine seeing PSG turn once again to the Korea. The team often uses imports and since there is still a slot available, the leaders should take full advantage of it.

In addition, Korean imports are doing quite well when they are in doublet. This facilitates their integration and communication. Be careful, however, not to form two blocks. League of Legends are played and won at 5. Even the worst soloQ players know this immutable rule.

League of Legends is often cited as one of the fastest growing games by the community. The reason is simple: between patches and seasons, there is always new content coming out. Lately, Riot Games decided to release more female champions… and it’s no coincidence!

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