LoL: Riot August is the new Lead Champ Designer!

LoL: Riot August is the new Lead Champ Designer!


Thomas “Calo” Sauzin

He’s the father of Vi, Jinx, Jhin, Senna, Viego and even Zeri — one of the most famous champion designers in League of Legends. Today, after 10 years of good and loyal service within Riot Games, August Browning, aka Riot August, becomes the new chief designer of champions.

We know him well for his streams in which he reveals behind the scenes of the production of League of Legends, or more generally because he is the main designer of many well-known (even hated) champions in the community — August Browning was promoted yesterday to the very prestigious position of Lead Champion Designer. In other words, he is now the head of the team in charge of designing new champions and, after 10 years at Riot Games, we can easily consider that it is deserved.

The New Rift Boss

Darthmouth College alumnus, a private university in the northeastern United States, August joined the ranks of Riot Games immediately after graduating (Bachelor of Arts and Economics). A great player of DotA, as well as League of Legends, the aspiring Rioter was then recruited to the position of Champion Designer in 2012, and very quickly proved himself by giving birth to Vi then, the following year, to Jinx. Two years later, it is the turn of Ekko, the third child of Zaun to be born under his pen.

Whether it be the rune systemthe vast majority of the Arcane cast (Vi, Jinx, Ekko), several reworks that have left their mark (Rengar, Kayle, Morgana, Wukong, Janna) or more generally many atypical champions who have left their mark on the Rift in recent years (Gnar, Jhin, Senna, Viego, Zeri), August was instrumental in making League of Legends what it is today.

Although some of his designs have been widely criticized by the community, it is clear that most of them are marked by great longevity – which seems to prove their success. It remains to be seen what August has in store for us in the years to come — after Zeri, we are certainly expecting a nice surprise…

According to the six degrees of separation theory, we are all much more connected than we realize. A premise that a League of Legends fan turned into a fun app that lets you see how you indirectly became the best player on your server.

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