LoL: Riot Games wants to do more mini-reworks and has already chosen two champions

In more than a decade, League of Legends has come a long way. Whether in terms of champions, cosmetics, but above all gameplay, the studio is trying new things (for the better, but also sometimes for the worse). Some characters age better than others, while others no longer fit into Summoner’s Rift. There are even cases where champions have fallen into oblivion like Aurelion Sol.

With that in mind, in addition to VGUs (full update), Riot Games has decided to ramp up medium-scale champion updates — and the names of two champions have already come out.

Soon significant changes for Taliyah and Olaf

Riot Games began this work a few years ago, bringing some of its champions up to date. Sometimes they need to be completely redone, both visually and gameplay-wise… But sometimes you just need to change a few skills.

We have several recent examples like Ahri and Janna. These are not dramatic changes, but modernizations of certain mechanics so that the character has power where his game philosophy requires it the most.

“We’re starting to ramp up work on ‘Medium Range Updates’. These are larger sets of changes for champions that may take a few months to roll out. Recent tweaks from Ahri and of Janna are examples of work in this area.

Medium range updates for Taliyah and Olaf are currently in the works.”

It will therefore be the Rock Weaver and the Berzerker who will receive these adjustments. We can expect something like new passives or the change of some abilities. Taliyah is a champion who only returns to the meta when she can clear the jungle quickly, while Olaf appears occasionally, but only due to his crowd control immunity and snowball.

We don’t have a date for these adjustments yet, but expect them to arrive for several patches.. We can assume that Riot Games releases them in the middle of the competitive season, before the Summer Split begins.

Although they appear in every League of Legends game, you may not be familiar with them. A brief overview of the well-kept secrets of our favorite henchmen.

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