LoL: Sett, the last bastion against the tanks during the preseason?

The League of Legends preseason gives us a lot to talk about, in all areas. On the one hand, we have a new meta that is slowly taking shape as players discover new builds with the items that arrived or were revamped this preseason. On the other hand, there are still champions who, despite these additions, are still pretty good overall.

But what everyone agrees on, is that tanks dominate in many aspects of the new meta of League of Legends after the arrival of different improvements that make them unstoppable when taking the lead. Champions like Shen, Udyr, Rell, or even Cho’Gath cause many a headache for their huge stamina in prolonged fights, but there is one champion who will be very important in fighting these titans. And no, we’re not talking about Fiora (who is also a beast).

Sett and his ultimate, vital against tanks

R – The highlight of the show

Sett grabs an enemy champion, knocks them forward for 1.5 seconds, then smashes them to the ground. All enemies near the impact take 200/300/400 (+100% of base AD) (+40/50/60% of grabbed enemy’s bonus HP) physical damage and are slowed by 99 % for 1 second.

Enemies take 40% damage when away from where Sett lands.

We’re talking about none other than Sett, one of the champions who’s become highly regarded in just two years since appearing in Summoner’s Rift. His skills are fabulous: he has CC, raw damage and enough mobility to create problems in any lane and at any role on the map. But this time, we’re going to focus on what we think will be crucial if used well: his ultimate.

The Showstopper is the icing on the champion’s cake, as it lifts an enemy and slams them to the ground, dealing damage to nearby opponents based on their HP. This is where we come to a user-shared move” VersionOk2035 ” on Reddit where the Boss annihilates half of the enemy team using the opposing tank as a weapon of mass destruction.

As you can see in the video, Cho’Gath has a very tanky build, making him an unstoppable frontlane beast. Although the team is doing well overall, the opposing Aphelios could rock the game at any time, so it was necessary to conclude as quickly as possible. This is where our dear Sett comes in.

After circling the jungle, the Toplaner headed straight for the enemy Cho’Gath, seeing that his companions had no way out. It was then that, with his ultimate, he blew up the opposing botlane in the blink of an eye. And that’s what we said before; the huge damage Sett can cause on the enemy team with a tank is crucial in a teamfightand if you add to that the fact that tanks will be important in the next season, it’s a huge plus for the champion.

For a few years now, Riot Games has not released skins with a winter theme on League of Legends. Well, everything changes this year with a new family of cosmetics that should make more than one crack, that of the elected officials of winter.

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