LoL: Seven most toxic champions (roughly scientific study)

After the debate to designate the easiest champion to play, it’s time to start again on good feet to designate the most toxic champions of the game, those who will necessarily be 1v9 god in the opposing team, and the worst balls in your team. The icing on the cake, after putting you in the most delicate situation, they will call you noobs and say that you are the reason for the defeat, you the person in 2/3/5, while they themselves are in 1 /8/4. Before going any further, let’s specify anyway by writing it in full: this article is a fun article, based on both personal experience and champion banning stats. This isn’t a general truth, and there’s no point in climbing a tree to spray your droppings (like bonobos) on a Quinn hand you bump into (but cac top players hate you).

Yasuo, hasagint!!

Alright, that’s it. We all came across the Yasuo god 1/10/2, which will let you manage the midlaner and the jungler who have eaten well on his lane, while he will splitpush (well pretend) for 30 minutes. The icing on the cake: in case of defeat, it’s the fault of the mates, and in case of victory, he was able to carry because finally they stopped coming the 2v1 during the whole early. Probably don’t know what a ward is, but still a brave fighter looking only for the final victory, even if with 48% ban, we’re probably not the only ones who don’t like it.

Oh Katarinellabellatchixtchix

Katarina players are a bit a game of heads or tails: either you will watch him play and atomize the opposing team, or you will watch him die before being atomized by your enemies. If these players don’t want to play with us, no problem, but they stop launching a multiplayer game. Tetris is really fun, I promise.

Instantetto Zedporetto!

Zed is less difficult to have on his team than the two champions mentioned above. On the other hand, if you are an ADC player, you are going to hate seeing this champion. He and a few others in the same style can simply ban you from playing for an entire game. Depending on the team composition, your champion and if your partners want to peel or not, the person playing the position of shooter can simply play a different game: do not put your feet in the zone of range of Zed’s ultimate, otherwise ciao bambino! What does this have to do with toxicity? The little ? in the /all dropped by the Zed after killing you in 1s20 hundredths, knowing that your only counterplay is not to play.

Kassadin, noob stomper

League of Legends

Kassadin also has a bad reputation. Presented as the ideal champion for 1v5 his opponents in the lower divisions, it is often very embarrassing to cross him. Either this means that a player of a higher level than the average of the game is present in this one and therefore that a team is probably going to have a bad time, or it means that a person thinking himself capable of 1v5 is present in the game, and that it will only play around it without staggering, defending objectives or anything. We are never sure whether it is better for Kassadin to be in our team or opposite.

Garen, spin to win

Confronting a Garen is just incredibly frustrating. The champion will take advantage of his regeneration passive to recover the pv lost in a bad trade, has correct damage in area, while being one of the champions who hit the hardest on a single target at the start of the game (never take a full beyblade without creeps around you in early). In addition, he can play as an assassin, fighter or tank, in order to adapt to his match up and the way his lane is going. Fortunately it is possible to kite him, and we all know that at times he suffers as much during the regroupings as we do in the lane phase. But, the moment he gives you 1000 raw damage by dropping a skill in the /all will always be a moment of intense rage.

Shaco, jokes on you

League of Legends

This one is mainly for junglers. The match up against a Shaco ignite/smite is always a pain. We know he will try something early in the game, but impossible to anticipate where. Proper use of his invisibility and your warding will become ineffective. Whether in your jungle or on a lane, a Shaco usually forces a team to play with the handbrake for the first quarter of an hour. And besides, even if he gets caught, if his A/Q isn’t on CD, well, it’s not even certain that he lost more time than you when unlike him, you don’t. won’t leave your jungle.

Captain Teeto

Do we really need to present it? Range, top, movement speed bonus on W, ultimate that slows down and blindness on Q to avoid taking damage if by some miracle your melee toplaner manages to approach. Teemo is a real pain to deal with, even if new toplane champions are starting to have tools to counter ranged. See if this trend continuesbut it just might knock this demon out of those kind of tops (while also further digging down champions who have nothing to wrestle with if their opponents keep their distance).


On the European League of Legends scene, things are moving a lot. However, there are two big files on which the fans would like to have a little more news: the expansion of the LEC and the organization of a Euro. We now know a little more… K Corp Ultras, listen carefully.

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