LoL: Should we believe in a return of Doublelift the king of trash-talk?

Photo: LoL Esports

It is sometimes difficult to see clearly in times of transfer window. The actors directly involved generally try to remain as discreet as possible, so as not to derail deals, which are sometimes very lucrative. But beware of leaks and rumours, which come from all sides, inflaming passions. We do not always know very well who to believe and as long as nothing is official, caution is in order.

While Wooloo announced that according to its sources Double lift could return to competition in LCS, we stay for the moment doubtful. We explain why in this article.

A recurring rumor

This is not the first time that we have spoken of a return to competition for Double lift. The American ADC retired at the end of 2020, even though he still had an ongoing contract with TSM. Since then, he streams a lot and maintains his level in soloQ or Champions Queue. His most unconditional fans dream of seeing him return to competition, even if his age could be an obstacle… He will indeed have 30 years next year.

At the end of 2021 he had already been in discussion with American teams to return to service. The talks were confirmed by the former ADC, but nothing concrete came in and out. For this reason, we remain skeptical. We want to believe that there are contacts during the transfer window, but as long as there is nothing more solid to put in our mouths, we refuse to get carried away.

There seem to be quite a few obstacles

From Europe, we don’t really know how the American market is doing and we don’t personally know Double lift. So don’t expect a scoop on our side. But when we reflect globally on the situation, we allow ourselves to express some doubts … We have already pointed out the age of the player, which could cool more than one structure. But there are other things that bother us.

  • A top team or nothing : Doublelift has won many titles during his career (CLG, TSM, Team Liquid). Last year, he indicated that he would only return if he found a top team. There’s no reason this should have changed… Cloud9, 100 Thieves and Evil Geniuses all have at least one ADC under contract for the next year. When we add that Team Liquid plans to do an eco round and that it is unthinkable to see Doublelift at TSMthat doesn’t leave much room for manoeuvre.
  • Why quit the life of a streamer ? Doublelift seems to be thriving with his life as a streamer. He can tryhard at his level and take breaks whenever he wants. Returning to the life of a pro player would be much more demanding and at 30, it seems a rather surprising life choice.
  • Does Doublelift still have the level ? Finally, we can wonder if Doublelift still has the level… especially to play in a top team. If he keeps a good elo, two years without playing in competition is a lot. Bjergsen came back and he didn’t win. Why would his former teammate do better?


Royal Never Give Up would be put on sale, under certain conditions, such as keeping the name of the structure, as well as its hard core. Nevertheless, such a change would be a small thunderbolt for the Chinese League of Legends scene.

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