LoL: some balancing and the arrival of K’Santé on the program of 12.21

The end of the year is approaching and this coincides with a particular period in League of Legends, that of the preseason. However, before arriving in this period of discovery, it is still necessary to complete the ranked season which, as a reminder, ends on November 14 at 11:59 p.m.. To close this ranked season, Riot Games has planned a final balancing patch with only a few changes and the arrival of the new champion K’Health.

This new tank on the toplane arrives this Thursday, November 3 in the Summoner’s Rift and should animate this end of the season. In addition to this novelty, there are some balances in the program, including buffs for Ahri, Corki, Malzahar and Xin Zhao. The changes on the latter are also interesting and could allow the Seneschal of Demacia to regain some priority in the games.

On the side of the nerves, we again find Blitzcrankwhich took a significant buff in 12.19, and sees reduced HP and base armor. Furthermore, the bonus attack speed granted by his W – Overload has been decreased. Miss Fortunealso improved in recent patches, is modified with power ratio changes for his spells.

The other interesting change to note in this patch is that in the remake system. Indeed, it will now be possible to request a remake from 1 minute 30 if the conditions are met. It will also be possible to request a remake in ARAM and rotating game modes. Finally, as usual, new skins are coming to the store with the empyrean collection for K’Santé, Pyke, Jax, Jhin, Lux, Vex, Zac and Zed. The prestige version of empyrean K’Santédesigned in collaboration with Lil Nas X, will also arrive on this patch.

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