LoL: Teemo comes to China to sell dumplings

We are really no longer surprised to see League of Legends invading the real world. After all, last year Riot Games got paid the Burj Khalifa and even the Brazilian metro to ensure Arcane’s marketing campaign. The release of the animated series even led to the creation of an ephemeral café in the colors of Piltover, in the heart of Seoul.


The jiaozi (or wonton) are a Chinese culinary specialty, commonly called dumplings (English) or simply dumplings (French). This refers to dishes in the shape of a half-moon and consisting of pasta stuffed traditionally with minced pork, Chinese cabbage, chives and ginger or other herbs, usually boiled.

Chief Teemo, report!

Runeterra landing in reality isn’t the first time — and yet each time you can’t help but open your eyes in wonder at this event because, after all, it’s “just” about ‘a video game. And for many gamers who have grown up today, this universe had no right to acclaim.

But that… that was in the past, because today League finds its place perfectly in the real world. And especially in China, where Riot Games’ MOBA has achieved the status of a real social phenomenon. Evidenced by this event organized to celebrate the Chinese New Year, featuring the Chief Wang in one of the five Chinese restaurants stamped by… Teemo.

In fact, and although the heart of the video is devoted to the preparation of “dumblings”, this is all an event used to promote Wild Rift, since the mobile iteration of League of Legends will soon host its first in-game event. : the Lunar Festival. For the occasion, and if Teemo is obviously the star, Wild Rift will welcome six new appearances in the colors of the Chinese New Year: Miss Fortune, Alistar, Annie, Fiora, Jarvan IV and Darius.

Having impact is good — but sometimes it happens the wrong way. Who is the main responsible in case of defeat? For Riot August, the answer is almost obvious. With great power comes great responsibility, and the Rift is no exception…

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