LoL: The action that proves Ryze is still a monster if your team is smart!

When we talk about champ in League of Legends, we think of many characters who have passed through the metagame and the competitive circuit , like Orianna, Sett, Neeko or even Sylas. While it is true that each of them is very different from another, Riot always gives more power according to the seasons to certain champions, whether it is thanks to changes in the environment in Summoner’s Rift such as new dragons, or thanks to new runes from new objects.

A difficult season

In 2022, we’ve seen countless characters who went from godlike to missing (RIP Zeri little angel gone not so soon actually), but if there’s a champion who’s barely been seen this year and is having a bad time the past few months, it’s ‘is Ryze. While he is one of League of Legends’ most iconic champions, he had a difficult year. The many changes made to the game by Riot Games have not favored it, but in addition the champion has always been stronger in competition than in SoloQ. To prevent him from dominating the professional scene again, he had his grimoire burned a bit, to the point of becoming the worst soloQ champion in the game for months. Nevertheless, it is still possible to shine with him.

Ryze never dies.

The game in question comes from ” lltrigger “, a Grandmaster rank player who is best known for his Lucian . It was thanks to Reddit that the action where his whole team agreed to try to finish a game that was taking too long, started to buzz. With the entire base bare but opponents still struggling, the five players executed a collective action worthy of professional teams.

L’action in itself remains very classic, since it was just a matter of using the Ryze’s ultimate to teleport into the base and destroy the Nexus. Nothing to jump on her chair, but the fact that she is arriving soloQ remains quite unlikely. The five had to agree to try this risky move, because if they couldn’t carry out their project, the opposing team would have had time to comeback by organizing their defense. Looking at the map, their opponents probably wouldn’t have had time to finish, but could have prepared to defend the next neutral objective. The safe option would probably have been to try to take another rook and then an inhibit while waiting for the Nashor, but the five players all decided to give it a go.

Such collective actions are quite rare in soloQ, and it is always nice to see that when five players decide to really work as a team, it is possible to imagine for a few seconds playing a game at the highest level.

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