LoL: the AP version of a sniper who went from troll to must-have!

From time to time, different versions of league of legends champions appear in the community. Many are practically considered memes as they aren’t exactly good at winning matches or better than conventional matches, but there are a few that really have a cohesive purpose behind them and sometimes escape mods to get away with it. amuse as ARAM to infest Summoner’s Rift. . This time around, the protagonist in a situation like this is Varus with a construction focused on the PA which is already well known to the community, even being called “mathematically correct”, but which has recently started to gain traction as a solid choice for SoloQ. .

Varus AP “mathematically correct” – why does it work?

Varus is a sniper who opens up a range of building possibilities, having, over the years, poke variations with lethality and even an on-hit build and attack speed. In alt modes like ARAM and URF, players have also experimented with an AP build, as his kit has a quirk that makes AP items very interesting in theory: damage based on maximum health, which increase the more AP the champion has.

W – Bruised Quiver

Passive: Varus’ attacks deal 7/12/17/22/27 (+30% AP) bonus magic damage and apply a stack of Blight for 6 seconds, up to 3 stacks.

Varus’ other abilities detonate stacks of Blight, dealing 3/3.5/4/4.5/5% (+2.5 per 100 AP) of max health as magic damage per stack (9/ 10 max 0.5/12/13.5/15% + 7.5% for 100 AP). Detonating Blight on Champions and Epic Monsters also reduces Basic Ability cooldowns by 12% of their maximum per stack.

Active: Varus’ next piercing arrow deals 6/8/10/12/14% of remaining health as bonus magic damage, increasing to 9/12/15/18/21% damage based on missing health based on charging time.

A Varus with an AP build can, in theory, drain almost all of an opponent’s health at once by consuming Infection charges from the target when it hits one of their abilities. In a completely hypothetical world, this strategy would be most effective in any situation where the champion can easily apply stacks and trigger them.

But if this version was already known and used in some modes, what makes its popularity skyrocket again? Well, Varus has received buffs since the start of Season 12, with buffs to his W on-hit magic damage, damage to his R, base stats, and even higher base attack damage being the only buffs applied are the healing reduction applied by his E, so it was only a matter of time before the champion started to fall out of favor with players.

But even in the competitive arena, the choice appeared in decisive matches. G2 Esports Rasmus mid laner “caps” Winther played Varus AP in the mid lane in the LEC Playoffs against Rogue on September 3.

How to play Varus AP?

At the start of matches, you will play Varus in the traditional way, with a Sword of Doran, harassing the opponent whenever possible with your Q and basic attacks. Nothing is much different in playstyle until you get your first item. To maximize your AP damage, prioritize W, then Q, then E; and raise the R whenever possible.


Whether you play it in mid lane or bot lane, to play Varus AP you will need the rune Blade Flurry to be able to quickly apply three stacks of Blight, although First-Strike is also a viable alternative. For the secondary branch, we recommend Inspiration to help depush the waves.


One element that is absolutely essential for this version to work is Nashor’s tooth , which offers more damage on each hit and attack speed to help stack its passive. Varus’ ultimate instantly applies three stacks of W, but you won’t always have the R available, though the burst might surprise a mid-life opponent.

The choice of mythical objects is the subject of much discussion. Some like the Echo from Luden, the Riftmaker for sustain, and even the Protobelt ; From our experience, we recommend that you try each of them and choose the one that best suits the situation of the game in question. Rabadon, Void Staff, and other standard AP items are still fine.

Summoner Spells

Flash is always needed and the second option should vary depending on your opponents. Heal, Exhaust, Ghost, and Cleanse are all good options.


Riot Games has started selling tickets to attend Worlds of League of Legends this year. Unsurprisingly, fans rushed for the precious sesame and there is nothing more available on the official site. Resale sites offer them at sometimes outrageous prices!

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