LoL: The association of these two champions in skin form could become your worst nightmare!

League of Legends fans are true masters at creating situations and/or concepts that probably never should have crossed the mind of a human being. Of course, the community is also full of artists whether they are cosplayers having spent hundreds of hours creating their costumeof the illustrators able to offer artworks as beautiful as those of Riot Gamesor even musicians component of hymns to the glory of the game (or salt). But here, the concept is certainly original, but not necessarily classy. Did Yuumi need a skin where she wears boxing gloves and throws kicks? Maybe… or maybe not.


A video from the abyss of the internet has gone viral on Twitter after streamer and content creator Kennzy posted it on His profile . During these few seconds, Yuumi abandons her best friend grimoire, to put on boxing gloves (similar to those of a Lee Sin skin), and begins to reproduce the movements of the Blind Monk.

This is a mod, where Lee Sin actually slipped into the skin of Yuumi. As the support and the jungler are not exactly the same size – although, on a cosmic scale perhaps -, the result is at the height of the best Sonic skins, ones that are capable of shattering your faith in humanity, making you wonder why someone woke up one morning believing the world needed this creation. Having a Yuumi on the opposite team is annoying. Getting ganked is annoying. The two have been merged, and that’s it. Afterwards, you must surely tell yourself that it could be worse. Lee Sin could gank with Yuumi clinging to him, accompanied by a transformed Neeko…

When mods go too far

Another similar mod, which represents the other side of the mirror can be found on Stray, this cute game that has charmed many gamers. In this version, beloved cat protagonist becomes nothing less than CJ , from GTA San Andreas, which moves on all fours, in a relatively disturbing way. Many skins have appeared (unfortunately illegally) in the history of MOBAs, such as Sett and his train skin, alternate versions of Katarina and Akali, or Nasus in the form of Snoop Dogg.

Nevertheless, the most disturbing mods are not necessarily only skins. For example on Guity Gear Strive, there is a mod where all character lines of text are replaced by the Totsugeki by May. Enough to go crazy in less than 30 minutes.


The KC ultras are really not like the others. If the structure is present on several games, what touches League of Legends often takes on gargantuan dimensions. While we impatiently await the outcome of KC in the LEC, fans are multiplying the feats on Twitter.

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