LoL: The champion categories that benefit the most from the preseason patch

The new patch is barely out that already some changes seem to guide the new meta. Some forgotten archetypes resurfacewhile the two roles most modified by this preseason (top and jungle) are in the process of win in winrate. Adjustments will undoubtedly be necessary to balance all that, but today it is time to stop on the first impressions left by this new patch.

The toplane tanks, big winners of the preseason?

Perhaps the most impactful change for top laners is the experience buff brought by minions on sololanes (2.15% more). With the nerve of gold obtained by the midlaners before the fourteenth minute, and the gold buff brought by taking a platethe tanks that can be played with Grip of the Immortal and Rune of Demolition, have very good arguments to make. New objects are also very interesting for them.

With a tank that doesn’t need to back frequently, it’s entirely possible to become a real poison for opponents without even winning your lane. Tanks become relatively hard to kill, even for players who have won their lane (won: having killed their opponent once or twice, while having a good farm. Of course if the opposing mid or duolane is in 10 /0, it will be complicated to tank). In the statistics, a good part of the tanks have slightly increased in winrate, and the recent (deserved) nerf to Ravenous Hydra may make them even stronger. Their endgame also improvedand it’s always difficult to defeat them unless you have builds oriented in this direction (and therefore be less effective in killing carries).

The unknown jungle of the equation

If we put aside Shyvana’s aberrant winrate, the jungle also seems to be experiencing a resurgence in popularity. It wouldn’t be fair to say that junglers have grown in power (the role has always been strong, thanks to its ability to impact the whole map), but have become more accessible. The novelties make the role has gained popularityalthough we still have to wait to see if it will be more than a fad.

The return of the controlling mages?

the Secular Staff seems to have reshuffled the cards on the midlane. Control mages become strong and struggle less in early/midgame against assassins. The healing provided by the item allows them to stay on the lane longer, and accumulate more resources. Although some of them were still present in the old meta (Azir/Viktor), other somewhat forgotten champions are resurfacing (Ryze, Anivia, Orianna, Kassadin…). Once again, we will have to wait a bit to determine if it is the synergy between them and the object that makes them so interestingor if it is simply the latter which is a little too stronglooking if the other champions who dominated the midlane become the best again by integrating the Age-Old Staff into their old build.

Team Liquid has announced who their new coach will be for League of Legends Season 13. He is a former player, world champion with T1, who marked the history of the game. His influence could be good for the team, but also for all LCS teams.

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