LoL: The champion who (quietly) benefited the most from patch 12.13

League of Legends patch 12.13 arrived this week and all eyes quickly turned to Nilah, the incarnate joy but more importantly the 160th champion to join Summoner’s Rift. The new character wreaked havoc from its first in-game hours and Riot Games had to hotfix it very quickly after its release. But she is not the only one since three other champions have undergone the same treatment just as quickly: Master Yi, Sivir and Gwen. From this point on, you’d think that no champion currently dominates the meta, and yet there is one for whom patch 12.13 has been extremely beneficial — and who seems to be completely slipping under Riot Games’ radar.

A skyrocketing skin and winrate

You probably had the answer thanks to the spoiler of the thumbnail of the article, we are talking here about Fiddlesticks, the nocturnal dread. The champion received two buffs in patch 12.13: increased fear duration from his Q – Terror and increased damage from his R – Crow Flurry. Icing on the My darling, he also received a skin – the first for two years – on the theme Guardians of the stars. Suffice to say that the champion’s lovers were delighted and shared their joy on the subreddit dedicated to the champion.

“In my last post I complained that even though I loved Fiddlesticks’ style of play, I could never win, that he was super weak, that even squishies could escape me if they played well, and I was also complaining that he hadn’t had a skin in over 2 years, but now FINALLY Fiddle got a well deserved buff (I think that’s too much and he’ll get a heavy nerf lol) , AND a new skin, I had given up on our boy Fiddle, BUT I’M BACK BABY What a great day to be a hand of Fiddle!”

Night Dread’s win rate has jumped since the deployment of Patch 12.13. During the 12.12 cycle, the champion did not pass the 50% victory mark, but for the past few days, he has been skyrocketing. Overall, all ranks combined, it is 51.7% and is even more than 52.7% among Platinum players and above. The biggest advantage if you want to play the champion is that you are almost sure to have him since he is only banned 2.1% of the time (always all ranks combined).

The fear now of Fiddle players is of course that he will attract the attention of Riot Games (which is very likely to happen). We can legitimately think that it will undergo one, or even several nerfs during the next patch, 12.14 which will arrive in game on Wednesday July 17. In the meantime, if you like the champion and have neglected him for some time, now is the time to bring him out!

One week. This is the time it took Riot Games to revise downwards the statistics of the very last League of Legends champion. Wreaking havoc across the board, Nilah just got a nasty (deserved) hotfix.

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