LoL: The community idea to adjust Tryndamere that Riot will never introduce in the game

Tryndamere became one of the most controversial characters in League of Legends. Although historically he was a champion ignored by much of the community and barely appeared in competitive play, his popularity has doubled in recent patches and his win rate is over 52%. A situation that, together with the interest it arouses among professionals, has led the community to demand adjustments that reduce its power and even to make suggestions on how they should be made.

An interesting community idea discarded by Riot

The possible change players are considering to make Tryndamere more balanced is to reduce the duration of his Endless Rage ultimate at early levels. This way, the champion would become immortal for 3/4/5 seconds depending on their R rank. An alternative that seems logical, since that’s how many of the game’s ultimates work. However, the developers have it considered a bad idea based on very interesting arguments.

Tryndamere’s ultimate is one of the champion’s big controversies

The main reason why Riot Games will not modify Tryndamere by reducing the duration of his ultimate at the first levels is consistency. Players facing this champion know exactly how long the ability will last and can play around, a situation that allows for consistent decisions regardless of the level of the opponent. In fact, the Riot employee explaining it to the community claimed that making this adjustment “could be misunderstood”.

Power nerfs for Tryndamere seem inevitable, but if Riot Games decides to attack its ultimate, it’s much more likely that we’ll see an even drop across all ranks. So far, no nerfs have been confirmed for this champion in the upcoming 12.5 patch and everything seems to indicate that the developers aren’t very clear on how and when to act on him.


By MGG Spain

Before spectator mode existed, Riot Games made an amazing decision to record the most important games of League of Legends: to create a summoner spell exclusively for its employees.

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