LoL: The design created by an artist that fulfills a broken promise from Riot Games

Improvements to the League of Legends client just keep coming. If Riot Games made some changes to the design of the tool on which we spend many hours, the developer has not lived up to the expectations it had set. The changes made to the design were considered insufficient by many players and, in this context, it was a member of the community who wanted to contribute his own ideas. To that end, he shared his own take on what the game’s main screen should look like.

The League of Legends client created by a community artist

The player responsible for creating this custom design to change the League of Legends client is a community member who wanted to learn the basics of menu design. It’s not exactly many artists or designers’ favorite task, but it’s something that will most likely help them keep improving and expanding their horizons. He considers that his work is not yet finished, but after a few weeks he showed the first results. Although there are still improvements to be made, the reception from the community has been very positive, as evidenced by the post Reddit of the creator.

A spectacular “queue” screen

The section that caught the most attention is the queue tab. The truth is that it is an adaptation much closer to what Riot Games promised when it presented the future changes that were coming to the client. The developer showed there how the splasharts of our favorite champions and skins would be integrated into the game, but he was never able to (you can see it in the header image). However, this artist claims that it is a “easier and more realistic way” to respect the commitment of the developers. In fact, it was this part that most appealed to the community.

League of Legends

League of Legends

However, most of the designs have been very well accepted by League of Legends players – including the increased use of emotes or slightly more visual graphics to suit the current aesthetic. Of course, integrating these elements into an existing program is much more complex than simply creating a visual interface. However, the greater simplicity seems to make things easier compared to Riot Games’ more ambitious plans. In any case, hats off to the creator who made the client really attractive!

This week, Riot Games showed off the new Monster Trainer skins coming with Patch 12.15. Yes but here it is, a large part of the community has not been seduced and criticizes the studio for having simply made vulgar copy-paste of old appearances.

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