LoL: the French in the LEC, another record for Vetheo, BDS out

Despite a defeat, Vetheo and its partners obtained the precious sesame for the playoffs. On the BDS side, NUCLEARINT and Adam couldn’t come back, and the defeat against G2 definitively sealed their hopes. As for SK and Jezu, they are still in the race but given their schedule, the mission seems almost impossible.

Scoring scale out of 10:

  • 0: played Yuumi jungle (but why??)
  • 1: Human Ward
  • 2: Poor performance, unworthy of an LEC player
  • 3-4: Below expected level / made big mistakes
  • 5: Average / alternated between excellent and mediocre
  • 6-7: Solid on his support, the player was one of the driving forces of the collective
  • 8-9: Not content with outclassing his direct opponent(s), the player has had the luxury of making crazy moves
  • 9.5: 1v9 god, with moves at 200 IQ
  • 10: If perfection had a name, it would have its own
  • 11: 1v9 god, moves at 200 IQ while playing Yuumi jungle




Jeans “Jezu” massol



Ilias “NUCLEARINT” Bizriken



Adam “Adam” Maanane



Fantastic Vetheo

Misfits needed a win so they wouldn’t depend on the results of their opponents to get their playoff ticket. Against G2, Vetheo sat down, looked at his mates and told them: “Relax, this is my round”. A 16/2/4 on Akali, the most damage dealt in the game (which is very rare for a melee champion without AOE) and the current season’s kill record later, Misfits were in the playoffs thanks to their midlaner. This victory counted double, because G2 is their direct pursuer, and thanks to it, Misfits could serenely eye on the second place currently occupied by Fnatic. Unfortunately Vitality, still in battle for the playoffs, put an end to Misfits’ unbeaten streak. Difficult to blame the French for the defeat, his Syndra having been more than correct. However, he also couldn’t stop Perkz from roaming with his Twisted Fate, so it’s not possible to praise him either.

No miracle for Jezu

SK’s ADC couldn’t shine this week. He failed to make an impact against Vitality, getting outplayed by the opposing botlane. His Aphelios didn’t do a lot of damage, didn’t gain his lane, and moreover, he tried which backfired. If it passed, he was a genie and the savior, but since it failed, he’s a troll, as the law of Summoner’s Rift dictates. We will remember that if it passed, it was beautiful. Against Astralis, it was simply all SKs that were invisible. Totally outclassed by the Red Lantern, Jezu and his Jinx couldn’t correct the shot. Only a faultless last week could allow them to access the playoffs, and still it is necessary that the stars align and that their direct adversaries do not win either. And against Rogue and Misfits, the SKs will have to show a completely different face.

Adam and NUCLEARINT, carry by xMatty

Once is not custom, the two BDS players are grouped together. Their performances were quite similar, separating them would lead to big repetitions. The BDS can thank xMatty, put into orbit from the start of the game against Astralis. The ADC then held the house for the whole game, while NUCLEARINT and his Viktor grew in power, while Adam did his best with Olaf against a Gnar in toplane. The two tricolors did not make any mistakes, but above all trusted their teammates in this match.

The G2s gave them a macro lesson the next day. BDS tried to hold on, but the ship began to take on water after 12 minutes, and the leak could never be stopped. The team tried to come up with something with a mid Kog Maw, but G2 reacted by drafting Akshan high and Sylas mid, and Adam’s Sion didn’t change anything. A week to forget, with forgettable performances.

When they are not on stage, pro players indulge in a few short Solo Q sessions on League of Legends during which they often meet some of their colleagues. And when Doinb found himself face to face with ShowMaker, let’s say that the latter had a bad time.

Sometimes a harmless move can lead to an unlikely situation in League of Legends. This Blitzcrank player probably didn’t expect to grab two opponents instead of one, much to his delight.

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