LoL: The little detail hidden in the Sivir skin of the solar eclipse that delighted the community

The community League of Legends repeatedly clashed with the developers over the quality of the skins. More and more players feel that details are missing in some cosmetics and that Riot Games is just trying to cut corners to facilitate their production. The recent release of Xayah and Rakan’s cosmetics without a co-base callback animation and the lack of elements such as sound effects on other skins has created tension that has been rare until now.

A hidden musical detail in Sivir’s new skin

Riot Games has made mistakes in the past with the development of certain skins, but they have almost always been able to fix them in time and learn from their mistakes. If today we are bored with the fact that the developer misses details or publishes more lazy work, it is because the standard has always been very high. A situation that the developers have been able to show again with the release of cosmetics on the theme of the eclipse and the musical secret that conceals the new look of Sivir.

As you can see in the video, the dance animation of Sivir from the solar eclipse perfectly synchronizes with that of Leona which belongs to the same theme. In this way, the two champions can create a melody. Riot Games even added a visual indicator that shows the support when they need to start dancing for the effect to take place. A decision by the sound effects team that delighted the community and opens the door to more interactions of this type in this cosmetic line.

Riot Games has included details you’ll barely see in one in a thousand games, and incredible nods to some cosmetics. This raised the bar for a developer who seems to have slacked off on past successes a bit. The interaction shows that when they want to show finesse, they can do an extraordinary job, but also that they are not always willing to do so.

Riot Games admits to being at a crossroads with the situation of Ryze, a champion who dominates in competition and underperforms in ranked. However, they believe that any decision regarding the character will leave League of Legends players unhappy.

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