LoL: The Most Criticized Hidden Mechanic Riot Doesn’t Want To Change

It’s next to impossible to know every detail of League of Legends. Not only has Riot Games created a game with a myriad of systems, but some of them are very difficult to notice during a game if you don’t know exactly what to look for. Although they are not abundant in the game and their number is decreasing, the hidden mechanisms exist and they can play a very bad trick on us during our games. This is a much more common situation than you might think and even affects professional players.

League of Legends’ most problematic hidden mechanic

Epic monsters in League of Legends are some of the most prone to these kinds of hidden mechanics. Few players are aware of all the abilities available to Baron Nashor, or certain aspects of how they work that may be essential. The most egregious example was seen in a competitive match, where a pro couldn’t secure the goal for his team when he was caught off guard by a last-minute VP gain. This circumstance was described as random by many of his teammates, when in fact it was entirely predictable.

Although most gamers don’t know it, Baron Nashor increases his HP total every minute he spends in Summoner’s Rift. So he spawns with 12,600 life and gains 180 every minute—and that’s exactly what happened in this game. It is certainly an unfortunate decision because the Smite was well used. However, we cannot blame luck for this situation because its operation is programmed.

In addition to the pros who sided with their partner saying they didn’t know about this mechanic either, there were many who simply claimed it didn’t make sense. Such is the case with Jankos, who claimed it was one of the dumbest interactions in League of Legends. The truth is that, at least in this case, it changed the outcome of the match. Not only did it allow Baron Nashor to be stolen, but it activated the opposing Jinx’s passive to allow her to get a Pentakill that should never have happened.

Many players think the health boost shouldn’t happen during combat

Riot Games is unlikely to change this mechanic anytime soon. The truth is, it’s been in the game for years and has rarely been a problem. However, it fails to meet many developer clarity standards. Healing an enemy during a fight has always been problematic because it is difficult to predict. Even when the rules are fixed, it makes little sense to require League of Legends players to pay more attention to the clock than to what may be going on around them.


Is it possible to name a better duo than drama and SoloQ on League of Legends? Once again two professional players crossed paths in soloQ, and a few bullets were fired, before turning into nuclear shells.

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