LoL: The most disastrous interaction that lets you cheat legally

League of Legends has hundreds of skills, runes, and items that interact with each other. Due to the number of items, players often encountered very problematic bugs that were overlooked by the developer. It is very difficult to pay attention to so many details, and sometimes Riot Games oversights lead to new mechanics that players can take advantage of. Normally, they cause no problems and cannot be considered cheating. However, the community’s latest discovery promises to be highly controversial.

An interaction that makes it easy to cheat

Players have noticed that the Aery rune can grant vision on certain targets that should remain in fog of war due to an interaction with the base recall. When you cast your rappel, this adorable little ghost leaves you and performs an animation that moves him to the right. During these times, it can cross the terrain and offer a glimpse of what lies on the other siderevealing enemies that should remain undetectable.

This cheat can only be used in specific areas of Summoner’s Rift, as the Aery’s animation only allows it to pass through the thinnest walls of the map. However, its effect can be devastating to opponents and allows you to ambush enemies you shouldn’t even be able to see. Especially if we play on the red side, we can get too much information from the area around the baron. It may not be a good idea to use this rune on all champions, but those who usually use it can benefit from it.

This interaction is a very gray area under the rules of behavior in League of Legends as reflected in the Summoner’s Code. However, while it is difficult to detect when a player has taken advantage of it, it is not unreasonable for Riot Games to understand that this is a conscious use of the bug to gain an advantage.. If so, it wouldn’t be the first time the developer has banned thousands of players for taking advantage of a bug.

League of Legends is preparing for the arrival of the new challenge system and, with it, big changes in customization. Riot Games has already shown the final version of this big client change and everything we can do with it.

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