LoL: The object that will radically change and put an end to the dictatorship of the Infinity Blade

As if all the changes coming to League of Legends for the 2023 preseason weren’t enough, Riot Games surprised us with another major change. Phlox, the nickname by which one of the studio employees who prepared the next big patch is known, admitted on social networks to having “forgotten” to introduce the transformation of an element in the official announcement. We are referring to the Quickblade Navori, a little used item in the current state of the game that could become one of the most important after receiving its adjustments.

An item that will end the dictatorship of the Infinity Blade

What’s most remarkable about the new Navori Swiftblades is the intent behind these changes. Far from being a simple touch-up, Riot Games’ goal is for the item to become the great alternative to the Infinity Blade. This item is a staple for ADCs and almost always takes up the third slot in every champion’s inventory that relies on critical hits. However, it will now have competition with an item of equal value that will be specialized to meet the needs of spell-casting focused champions.

Forget what you knew before about the Quickblade Navori, and discover the new version of the item:

Navori Quickblades

60 attack damage

20% critical hit chance

30 skill haste

3,400 gold

Passive – Transcendence : If you have 60% or more critical strike chance, all attacks reduce the cooldown of non-ultimate abilities by 15% of their current cooldown.

Passive – Instant : Abilities deal up to 20% more damage based on the item’s user’s critical strike chance.

Note : Although the information is not yet in the official description, the developers have confirmed that it will be an exclusive item. If you buy it, you won’t be able to get Infinity Edge and vice versa.

The truth is that these are very interesting changes that focus on eliminating some toxic game patterns created by the Prestelames Navori, as was the case with Tryndamere, to give it a new and much more interesting space of use. . It is true that it is not the most common, but we can imagine some examples. For example, Zeri’s W – Shock Laser with 20% more damage looks scary. Similar situations could affect Kai’Sa or Graves, to name a few. some League of Legends champions who might find interesting new builds. Remember, however, that the reality of preseasons often exceeds expectations.

In this sense, we will have to wait to see how the new version of this object settles and if it is really able to compete with the Infinity Blade. The truth is that ADCs have long been forced to rely on the same object, and although the Infinity Edge being one of the most popular items in League of Legends as it provides a huge amount of bonus damage, it’s nice to have a bit more variety in the options available.

Preseason 2023 will arrive in League of Legends in patch 12.22, scheduled for November 16 according to Riot Games’ official schedule.

Blitzcrank received improvements in League of Legends patch 12.19, including possibly allowing him to go toplane and jungle. Now, with patch 12.20, Riot is emphasizing this role shift, while reducing its power to the support role.

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