LoL: The powerful summoner spell that Riot removed before the game’s official launch

League of Legends is constantly getting new items and characters. Riot Games is also making ongoing adjustments to all existing elements so that nothing stays stuck long enough to be too boring or too easy to predict. However, this constant development consistently ignores one of the most important elements of the entire game. Summoner spells have barely changed over the years. There are exceptions like the Teleport at the start of Season 12, but to find the deleted items, you have to go back to the start of the game.

The most powerful summoner spell in League of Legends history

Nowadays, no one doubts that the most powerful summoner spell in League of Legends is the Flash. This element is even subject to a special regime at Riot Games. The developer knows he’s a lot stronger than the rest, but because he believes it makes the game a lot more fun, he chooses to do nothing to prevent him from being picked 99% of the time. However, from a historical point of view, we would be lying if we said that the Flash is the strongest summoner of all time. That honor is reserved for an item that didn’t even make it into the final version of the MOBA.


Cooldown: 150 seconds

Silences the chosen enemy champion for three seconds and removes all positive effects active at the time the spell is cast.

Suffocate is a ghost summoner spell that only existed in League of Legends test builds and was considered too powerful even by early developers at Riot Games. There is no trace of it online, which makes it even more curious. No footage on video platforms and no mention in any patch. After reviewing all the patches released during the game’s first year, all we know, is that it existed for some time before May 2009 before it was finally superseded by a very early version of what we know today as Fatigue.

As for why it was removed, it was because it was just too powerful. Mute opponents is a mechanic that the developer removed from the game due to its extremely high potential and the fact that it is considered one of the most frustrating mechanics. It prevents the casting of abilities or other summoner spells — rendering you utterly powerless. But the straw that broke the camel’s back was the removal of the improvements available to the enemy. With the press of a button, we could leave him without Baron Nashor, Blue buff, or the effects of his ultimate. For example, if the spell existed today, casting it on Tryndamere would prevent him from being immortal.

Suffocation would immediately stop Tryndamere’s ultimate.

There is no doubt that this summoner spell had outlier potency. However, it’s funny how Riot Games tried to fix it in the first place. On May 1, 2009, after being renamed Fatigue, the spell changed from silent to blinding, like a Teemo dart would. Needless to say, this was still a mess, capable of bringing out the worst in players. It remained that way for two years, until a version very similar to the current version was finally introduced, reducing the damage of the targeted champion.

It’s arguably the most powerful item to ever set foot in Summoner’s Rift, and a forgotten memory from League of Legends past.. Riot Games never released the game’s patch notes in its first week of closed Alpha, and it would certainly be an invaluable historical document for uncovering the video game’s past. There would no doubt be many more such follies we could talk about.


Faker has always been the most iconic player in League of Legends. The T1 mid laner wrote history again by setting a new record: he became the very first player to score 500 LCK wins.

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