LoL: The Red Bull Solo Q French champion is a Solary!

Photo: Red Bull

France is full of talent on League of Legends. Whether in LEC or LFL, several tricolors shine on Summoner’s Rift week after week. But the MOBA is played and lost at 5, the 1v1 remains a separate discipline. While fans regularly go to the networks to find out who is the best player individually, the tournament Red Bull Solo Q lets everyone agree. This tournament, open, works with several stages: Qualifier Online, French Final, World Final… And a member of the Solary structure managed to win the French final. Recognized streamer and former LFL player, he wore the colors of Solary loud and clear and we hope he will wear the colors of France as well for the rest of the tournament.

Katare, the top lane boss!

Katare is no stranger to the League of Legends scene and we have had the opportunity to see this talented top laner many times on the competitive scene in France. Whether in LFL, Div 2 or during LANs, he has proven time and time again that he is full of qualities. A toplaner by profession, he could sometimes evolve in the shadow of his teammates since the toplane is often an island isolated from the rest of the map. But in the Red Bull Solo Q tournament, Katare wasn’t upstaged by anyone. It shone brightly to win by crushing the competition. Luiku quarter, adc vs world in half and Kindly in the final… they all suffered the law of the Solary streamer. With a slightly pissed off Olaf, he destroyed his opponents one after another.

196,000 viewers were able to admire the performance on OTP. Katare is a true modern-day gladiator and in the arena you are advised to avoid one-on-one. We will also salute the casters who played the game to get into the mood with togas and costumes from the Greco-Roman era for the occasion.

The following ? The Worlds after France!

Come, vedi, vici. Katare came, he saw and he conquered! But the streamer’s epic is far from over. After France, he still has other countries to conquer. The Red Bull Solo Q tournament takes place in 25 countries around the world and a world final is scheduled for New York (November), as a preamble to the League of Legends Worlds! It would be a nice snub of fate, if a player of Solary manages to touch the world of the finger before the Karmine Corp…

But beware, to get his ticket, Katare still has his work cut out for him. He must participate in the EUW regional play-off and take the best of his continental rivals (Spain, Italy…). Two representatives will be sent and failing to win, a European final will be sufficient to be part of the trip to the United States. But in France, we are not the type to play it small. For the honor of France, we do not aim KELAWIN.


We don’t really know where Sardoche is in his Korean soloQ rush on League of Legends, but he may still be a little too low to cross paths with pro LCK players. One of them would have set a new record by reaching 1809 LP on the KR server.

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