LoL: The Removed Ability That Caused An Unprecedented Change In Game History

Talking about broken champions in League of Legends is talking about a lot of people angry at certain characters at specific times in the history of the MOBA developed by Riot Games. The other day we were able to discover the story of Cho’Gath throughout Season 7, a nameless abomination that dominated Summoner’s Rift thanks to the combo of his ultimate and an item.

This time, we won’t be talking about a tank but the opposite: an ADC. Specifically of another Voidling who became a spit and kill turret within League of Legends several years ago: Kog’Maw .

Kog’Maw, from useless champion to turret on legs

To talk about this champion, we have to go back to season 5 of League of Legends, more precisely at the end of it with a patch that was to mark a before and after in the game: an update of the ADCs. It was in this patch that we saw the changes to the shooters who were struggling in this role: Corki, Quinn, Graves and the one we’re going to talk about now: Kog’Maw. All have received significant changes to their abilities to make them much more effective in various positions, giving them different skills and unique attributes.

Kog’Maw has received no more and no less than an unlimited W boost. ability allowed to “unlock” his attack speed, which was fixed at a maximum of 2.5 for all champions, with a limit of 5 auto-attacks per second.

To give you an idea, this W was twice as fast as the Death Tempo rune with all stacks stacked. On top of that, the range was also three times faster, and together with its attack speed, this made the Abyssal Maw a living turret in League of Legends. And by living turret, we literally mean, as its attack speed was so absurdly high that it was impossible to “kite” with it, leaving players in place and watching their opponents die.

Kog’Maw and the origin of the “Living Turret” meme

As with Cho’Gath, it took Riot a while to fix this monstrosity; specifically, it took players 10 months to see the developer end the champion’s reign that terrorized the bot lane but also Summoner’s Rift this season.. For the first time in the game’s history, Riot decided to backtrack on this ability and left Kog’Maw as it was before the Season 5 revamp.

In terms of music around League of Legends, Riot Games has not only obtained recognition from players. Several big names in the music industry have praised some of their tracks. But fans have also done exceptional things at this level, and it is about them that we will talk.

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