LoL: The Spiritual Flower Katarina skin created by a Riot Games employee who won over the community

Katarina is one of the oldest champions in League of Legends. Although she hasn’t been noticed for some time in our games, she remains a beloved character for the community and the developers – as evidenced by the number of skins she has which amounts to 14.

The Grim Blade didn’t get a new look during the Spirit Blossom event that arrived on the client with patch 12.18, but illustrator Park Jun Seong, who draws for Riot Games’ card game Legends of Runeterra, did. decided to create her own splashart for Katarina on this theme.

A skin that inspires

Spiritual Flower theme first appeared in July 2020 and brought a major event with the release of champions Lillia and Yone, who even came with themed skins. It was the first event to showcase the now (un)popular visual novelsin which players follow the development of a story through the game client. Besides the aforementioned characters, others also had themed skins: Ahri, Cassiopeia, Kindred, Riven, Teemo, Thresh, Vayne, and Yasuo .

A new edition of the Spirit Blossom event will soon be available for the community and new skins for Evelynn, Soraka, Tristana, Aphelios, Sett, Darius, Yorick, Master Yi and Syndra have already been introduced. However, Park Jun Seong wanted to create his own themed skin for Katarina.

The splash art shows Katarina about to draw her daggers to attack an opponent. Her signature red hair has been turned purple, to match the event’s color palette, and she also appears in the theme’s typical outfit, as well as with a mask tied around her waist, like the others. champions who have a cosmetic in this theme. Park’s creation on Twitter has already garnered over 6,000 likes and hundreds of compliments from fans who would love to have this skin in Summoner’s Rift.


Since last night, a rumor has been swirling that the publisher of League of Legends has demanded that Ocelote leave his position at G2 Esports. Still, that doesn’t mean that Riot Games intends to let the Spaniard’s recent slippage pass either.

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